Overview by AgriBrasilis (February 20th - 26th)

Losses in the province of Corrientes reach US$ 26 billion. A specific line of credit will be launched for producers affected by the fires and drought. (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)

First eradication of HLB, a disease caused by the bacterium Candidatus liberibacter, considered the most destructive citrus disease in the province of Entre Ríos. (Federation Entrerriana Citrus)

Milk production increased in 2021, reaching 11,5 billion liters. (Federal Dairy Council)

Rural Argentine Society requests a preliminary injunction from the Federal Court in Cordoba to prevent the collection of taxes levied by the government on exports from the productive sector, called “retenciones”. The claim is that this charge is unconstitutional. (SRA)


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations plans to quadruple its projects in Bolivia in the short term. (FAO)


Mato Grosso registers weekly advance in the soybean harvest and reaches 67.75% of the total areas destined until last Friday. Humidity interferes with the quality of the grains and that is why there is concern about the rate of rainfall in the state. (IMEA)

Drought that hits Santa Catarina since last year has already caused more than US$ 740 million in losses to the state’s agriculture. Situation should not change until at least the month of April. (Epagri/Ciram)

Embrapa researchers analyze soybean samples to try to understand the reason behind the breaking of the stems in Mato Grosso. At the place of breakage, there is darkening of the inside of the stem and it is not yet known if the microorganisms present are the cause or a consequence of the breakage. (Embrapa)

Corn market prices fell again in the last week due to lack of buyers. (CEPEA)

Marília de Paula Porto and Carla Mariane Costa Pozzi are appointed to the positions of general coordinator of the General Coordination of Evaluation and Quality Control of Chemical Substances, and coordinator of environmental assessment of hazardous substances and products of the General Coordination of Evaluation and Control of Chemical Substances , respectively. (IBAMA)

Request for joint review interrupts voting on report that recommends the banning of sale and use of carbendazim (Ordinary Public Meeting of the Collegiate Board of Anvisa)


A cooperation agreement in the agricultural sector was signed with Israel that will allow the export of fresh pineapple to the country. (MAG) (State Phytosanitary Service)

In 2021, more than US$ 700,600 were invested in incentives for organic production. (MAG)

Egg smuggling hinders production. It is estimated that around 100,000 kg of eggs are smuggled monthly. (National Chamber of Poultry Farmers)

Suspension of the use of fipronil is recommended to avoid the death of pollinating bees, based on reports issued by the State Phytosanitary Service, the National Animal Health Service and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. (Ministry of Health)


New credit lines will allocate US$ 114.5 billion for loans and equity generation for around 60,000 producers in the country. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Saudi Arabia imports 10,000 male Zebu cattle. (Inversiones Bonanza)


More than 735,000 boxes of rambutan were exported to El Salvador, Nicaragua and the USA in 2021. (Secretariat of Agriculture)


Soybean exports increased in January due to leftovers from the previous month, which were not exported due to river and land logistics problems. (Capeco)

Drought and high temperatures continue to affect agriculture. Soybean and corn cultivations are harmed. (CAP)


Subsectoral Irrigation Program begins a cycle of virtual conferences aimed at farmers from the Center, South and Northeast macro-regions, with the objective of raising awareness and training farmers to improve the technified irrigation system of their crops, which contributes to the development of a better water resources management. (PSI)


Country will send samples of pure Aberdeen Angus bloodline to Turkey. 4,500 pregnant cows and 200 bulls will be exported to the country. (Ormando & Co.)