Planting of the next corn season reaches 39% of the estimated total. The estimated are área is 10.1 million hectares, 4.1% larger than last season. (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
Authorized the use of the active ingredients Cype
Declared alert throughout the country due to the threat of African swine fever. The agency tightened controls for the presence of the virus in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, with the potential to spread across the entire American continent. (Senasa)
Seized 502 tons of soybean that would be illegally exported to Paraguay. The cargo was being transported in 16 trucks with Paraguayan licenses. (Federal Public Admissions Administrator)
Bruno Cavalheiro Breitenbach, coordinator of Agrochemical Registration D
Exports of beef (in natura and processed products) reached 108,630 tonnes in October, and revenues of US$ 541.6 million (Brazilian Association of Meat-packers)
Market faces high costs and shortages of pesticides and fertilizers. Foreigner supplies reach 76% of the used products, and 32% has origin from China.
Coffee harvest was 38% lower in 2021 (21 million bags) when compared to the last year, while prices more than doubled. The moment is considered ideal to sell coffee. (National Supply Company)
Agribusiness Day at COP26 debates sustainability in agriculture, alternative energy and traceability. Highlight for a presentation by Celso Moretti, president of Embrapa, about soil organic carbon maps. (ministry of agriculture livestock and supply)
Banks and cooperatives demanded US$ 119 million of credit for the recovery of coffee areas affected by frost. The amount demanded so far represents 49% of the total reserved. (ministry of agriculture livestock and supply)
17.02 million tons of sugarcane processed by the producing units in the Center-South in the 2nd half of October, recording a 36.79% drop compared to the 2020/2021 harvest – 26.93 million tons. (UNICA)
National Technical Biosafety Commission approved the use of transgenic wheat flour in Brazil (CTNBio)
AllierBrasil Forum promotes discussion on the new pesticide registration decree, with the participation of MAPA, IBAMA, industry representatives, legal professionals and others
12% more cocoa was processed in October, reaching 20,062 tons. Cocoa product exports grew 15% in the month. (National Association of Cocoa Processing Industries)

Genes associated with plant survival have been identified in the Atacama Desert, which may help in the growth of drought-resistant plants. (Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

Foreign investment in agriculture grows 32% in 2021. Initiatives in precision agriculture, special coffee cultivation, poultry and Hass avocado production are responsible for the growth. (ProColombia)
Cost of labor for coffee harvesting rose between 30% to 70%. Faced with the shortage of labor, coffee growers employ Venezuelan workers. (Cooperative of the coffee growers of Quindío)
Coffee production drops 13% in October. October marks the beginning of the coffee year (October 2021 to September 2022). Year-to-date (January to October), production is around 10.1 million bags, 6% less than the 10.7 million bags in the previous period. Coffee exports, on the other hand, grew 2% this year, surpassing 10.1 million bags of 60 kg of green coffee. (Colombia National Federation of Coffee)
Coffee Growing Improvement Plan has a fund of US$ 9 million. Document constitutes policy for the economic, social and sustainable growth of coffee growing (Colombian National Council for Economic and Social Policy)
New land incorporated into agricultural production through rescue of unproductive areas in Artemisa, Mayabeque, Cienfuegos and Granma
Onion is the third most planted vegetable. The annual consumption per capita is 9.7 kg and its share in the national production of vegetables is 9.3%. From January to August 2021, exports of onion and garlic – fresh or chilled – grew 6.8%, with a value of 347 million dollars. (Department of Agriculture and Rural Development)
Trade with China recorded an increase of 16.4% in the first half of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020. The main products in demand are pork, fishmeal and avocado. (Sader)
Even without the occurrence of Asian soybean rust in soybean commercial planted are
Strategic alliance between Capeco, the Paraguayan Institute of Agrarian Technology (IPTA) and the Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (Inbio) has launched 17 wheat varieties. (IPTA)
Country participates in COP 26, in Glasgow, and assumed a commitment to optimize agricultural production in order to have a smaller carbon or methane footprint per kilogram of product generated. (CAPECO)
Agricultural sector recovers and grows 11.5% in September, the highest level so far this year. Highlight for the production of blueberries, wheat, avocados, artichokes, yellow corn, asparagus (Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation)
Sanitary inspection system approved by the Government of the Macau Special Administrative Region, enabling beef and sheep meat exports. (National Meat Institute)