Overview by AgriBrasilis (12/17 - 12/23)

Notícias América Latina /News on Latin American agribusiness sobre o agronegócio
Published on: December 23, 2022

Peru Could Surpass Chile and Become Largest Exporter of Table Grapes

Soybean farmers sold 76% of the production from the 2021/22 season. Production reached 44 million tonnes. From December 1st to 7th, soybean farmers sold 812,100 tonnes, the highest weekly value recorded in recent months, thanks to the exchange benefits granted by the government. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Exchange target set by the government for the second soybean dollar program is close to being achieved, although grain sales are below what was achieved with the first program. Since the launch of the second soybean dollar, that stipulated an exchange rate of Arg$ 230/dollar, exporters have made US$2.5 billion enter the country, close to the US$3 billion set as a minimum target. There are two weeks left for the program to conclude. (Central Bank; Ministry of Economy)

Senate approves a project that determines farmers’ self-control over their own production, called Bill 1293/2021. Project’s rapporteur, senator Luis Carlos Heinze, rejected the presented amendments and highlighted the importance of approving the proposal. “We are concluding this very important project for Brazilian agriculture. This approval will provide the modernization of the inspection process of Brazilian agriculture, more legal security, even greater improvement of agricultural products and the ability of inspection agents to act promptly and reduce large expenses by the state”, he said. Bill allows the State to focus its actions on the control and inspection of higher risk activities, in addition to guaranteeing greater freedom for economic activities. (Agência Senado)

Agribusiness exports to Middle Eastern countries increased 53.2% in November 2022, compared to the same period of 2021, reaching US$ 944.7 million. Region was the fourth largest market for Brazilian agribusiness products. In total, agribusiness exports grew 51.2% in November, totaling US$ 12.6 billion. This is the first time that exports exceed US$ 10 billion in November. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Livestock farmers from the State of Rio Grande do Sul faced low prices and high costs in 2022, in addition to the increase in the entry of cattle from other states for slaughter in the State. Another factor that marked the year, according to the president of the Instituto Desenvolvimento Pecuária, Luís Felipe Barros, was the drought in the State, that also caused damage to livestock production because of the burning of pastures. (Instituto Desenvolve Pecuária)

Tereos Brasil ended the 2022/23 harvest reaching a sugarcane milling of 17.3 million tonnes, an increase of 11% compared to the previous year. “We started the 2022/23 harvest with a focus on recovering our production, after a challenging period that affected companies in the sugar-ethanol sector in the Center-South in the past cycle. We invested in solutions to optimize and increase the efficiency of our operations and we were able to reach a sugarcane milling above our estimations for the period…”, said Pierre Santoul, president-director of the company. (Tereos Açúcar & Energia Brasil)

RúmiCash, fintech that offers credit and advance payments to dairy farmers, foresees the negotiation of up to US$ 38.46 million in credit in 2023. (RúmiCash)

State of Santa Catarina calls for support for fishermen and shellfish farmers to prevent avian flu. Secretary of Agriculture, Ricardo Miotto, requested fishermen to notify the presence of sick or dead birds on the beaches and slopes. Mobilization occurs after cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza in North America and in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Chile. Main concern is with migratory birds, that can transmit the disease. (Secretariat of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development)

MSD Animal Health announces two new investments in the livestock market. The company completed the acquisition of Vence, a startup founded in 2016 that develops technology for managing livestock using virtual fences. MSD also took over part of Lee O’s distribution, that offers a digital traceability solution for pig farming. “The new acquisitions follow our objective to grow and develop with the market”, says Delair Bolis, president of MSD Saúde Animal in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia. (MSD Saúde Animal)

24,000 peony-type flowers (Paeoniaceae spp.) from the Platinium Flowers company, located in the Aysén region, were certified for export by the Ministry of Agriculture. “The phytosanitary certification process allows for secure exports and enhances the seal of origin. Aysén has enormous potential for ornamentals. We must support it by monitoring all areas of the production chain”, said the secretary of agriculture, Alan Espinoza Ortiz. Flowers will be exported to Holland and other European countries. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Colombian Agricultural Institute published new instructions on the interpretation and enforcement of Resolution 075487, from 2020, that provides for withdrawal periods for chemical pesticides for agricultural use in the country. Resolution contemplates all the steps that must be followed to correctly carry out the dissipation studies. Determination will be mandatory for all chemical pesticides for agricultural use sold in the country and must be indicated by the registration holder on the product label, after evaluation and approval by the Institute. (ICA)

Unprecedented joint action of the National Animal Quality and Health Service of Paraguay with the State Agency for Animal and Vegetal Defense of Brazil recovered 230 heads of cattle that had been stolen from a property in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The animals, with a market value of approximately US$ 190 thousand, were stolen in early November from a farm in the region and taken to a property in the Philadelphia region, approximately 150 km from the Brazilian border. (Senacsa)

Peru could become the world’s largest exporter of table grapes, surpassing Chile. Chile has been the biggest exporter of table grapes for decades, but in the 2022/23 season Peru is expected to surpass it in production for the second time in three years and in exports for the first time. Exports of table grapes from Chile are estimated at 555,000 tonnes for the 2022/2023 season, while Peru’s growing production should increase its exports to 585,000 tonnes. (USDA)

Agribusiness loses US$ 100 million a day with protests that hinder food transportation. Protests coincide with the peak harvest of blueberries and grapes, two products in which Peru is one of the world’s biggest players. There are more than 60 stretchs of different roads blocked in 13 regions. Government should declare a state of emergency at the national level. (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism)

Argentine Association of No-Till Farmers informed the opening up of its first regional branch in Venezuelalocated in the Llanos Occidentales region. The group of farmers is looking for updates and information on agricultural pesticide technologies, both chemical and biological, and for the exchange of knowledge”, said the entity in an official statement. (Aapresid)


Soybean, Corn and Wheat Turn into Digital Currencies