Brazil Agrochemical Update 07/06

Brazilian Agrochemical Market Fertilizer and Pesticide News
Published on: July 6, 2022

News on the Agrochemical Market in Brazil 

  • Fertilizers and pesticides price increase, mainly herbicides and insecticides. The increase contributed to the inflation of agribusiness production costs of 2.69% in May, compared to the same period in 2021. (Production Cost Inflation Index – Farsul)
  • Bunge and UPL announce an agreement to create Orígeo, a company focused on the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Tocantins, Bahia and Pará. Company will focus on 400 large farmers, operating on 4 million hectares in the region, providing inputs, logistical assistance, financing and origination. (Bunge; UPL)
  • Brazilian Association of Technology in Plant Nutrition Industry launches work to assist companies in the process of organic fertilizers and biofertilizers registration, mainly in relation to Normative Instruction 61, in force since July 2020. (Abisolo)
  • Launched Go Exper holding, that joins microbiological product companies for agribusiness. The group is formed by the companies Simbiose, Bioma, Biagro and BioGrass, with an estimated revenue of US$ 150 million in 2022/23. (Go Exper)
  • Minister of Agriculture, Marcos Montes, defends alliances with Arabian and Brazilian companies for fertilizer production. Objective is for Arab companies, responsible for 26% of fertilizer imports from Brazil, to have factories in the country. (Brazilian Arab Chamber)
  • Ministry of Agriculture approves registration of 46 pesticides, including seven biological products, among them, four for organic agriculture. First registration of the parasitoid Catolaccus grandis, to control the cotton boll weevil, and the fungicide pydiflumetofen. (MAPA)
  • Porto Ponta do Félix, in Antonina, State of Paraná, invests to expand its fertilizer storage capacity by 78%, with an estimative to reach 480 thousand tonnes. (Porto Ponta do Félix)
  • Inaugurated Adufértil chemical fertilizers unit in Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais, with an investment of approximately R$ 120 million. (Adufértil)
  • In compliance with court decision, Anvisa approves toxicological evaluation of the pesticides chlorothalonil 720 SC (CAC) and triclopyr-butyl (Rainbow). (Anvisa)
  • Seizure of 10 tonnes of paraquat in the BR 480, in Barão de Cotegipe, State of Paraná. Driver was taken into custody. (Federal Highway Police)
  • SLC Agrícola announces that there shall not have fertilizer shortage and that the current stock is enough for the 2022/2023 season. According to Gustavo Lunardi, director of supplies and seed production, SLC shall be harmed by the high prices because of anticipated purchases. (SLC Agrícola)
  • Requests for research and exploration for potash made with the National Mining Agency have tripled from January to June, when compared to the annual average of the last decade. Most requests are concentrated in Amazonas. (ANM)
  • Nutrien acquires Agro Mercantil, agricultural input retail chain from Minas Gerais State, that operates in 67 cities in the State. After the approval by CADE, Nutrien will have 26 commercial units in Brazil. (Nutrien; Agro Mercantil)
  • Increase of 17% in fertilizer imports in June, reaching 4.15 million tonnes. Average price went from US$324/tonne in June 2021 to US$792.8/tonne in 2022. Total value reached was 3.29 billion. (Secretariat of Foreign Trade)
  • Natufert invests US$ 1.4 million in expansion of their manufacturing area, increasing production capacity by up to 50%. It will be possible to produce 30 thousand tonnes of fertilizers per year. (Natufert)



Brazil Agrochemical Update 06/22