Brazil Agrochemical Update 06/01

Mercado de defensivos Fertilizer and Pesticide news
Published on: June 1, 2022

Fertilizer and Pesticide News in Brazil

  • Ministry of Agriculture approves registration of 52 pesticides, among them 20 for biological control. Of those 20, 13 are for organic farming. (Mapa)
  • Prices of the main fertilizers have readjusted by approximately 350%, which could lead to food shortages in the country. (Aprosoja)
  • Truck with 1,600 L of paraquat is seized by the Federal Highway Police in Primavera do Leste, State of Mato Grosso. Paraquat is a desiccant herbicide banned in Brazil. (PRF-MT)
  • Fertilizers could represent up to 53% of soybean production cost in 2022/23. (Rabobank)
  • A Federal Police report indicates that jaguars and 18 other animals were killed by poisoning with illegal pesticide in the Pantanal. The product found is carbofuran, which has been prohibited for sale in Brazil since 2017. (Federal Police)
  • Senate approves provisional measure extending until the end of 2027 tax benefits for the petrochemical industry. Additional incentives were introduced for fertilizer manufacturing sites that use natural gas. (Federal Senate and Chamber of Deputies)
  • Soaring input prices could make the grain crops the most expensive in history. The rise in the prices of fertilizers, pesticides and fuel was much higher than the grains evaluation. (CNA)
  • Road freight increases by 37% in the 1Q of 2022. One of the main reasons is the rise of commodity prices abroad, stimulating Brazilian exports of grains, minerals and especially food. (USP)
  • The product of sugar refining can be used as a corrective or fertilizer, reducing the use of chemicals and dependence on traditional fertilizers. (Sidul)
  • A study shows that biological management of caterpillars with baculovirus reduces carbon emissions by up to 50% compared to traditional chemical pesticides. (AgBiTech)
  • Sugar production fell by 1.81 million tonnes compared to the previous harvest. The reduction in production is due to the drop in crushing and the decision of the mills to change their production mix in favor of ethanol. (Unica)
  • Approved registration of EXCALIA MAX, from Sumitomo, fungicide for soybean, which has the new active ingredient, indiflin, recommended for Asian rust and target spot control. (Sumitomo)
  • Innovation in biopesticides wins the startup award at AgroBrasilia 2022. Sardrones has a platform for the dispersion of biological control agents using drones. (AgroBrasilia 2022)
  • Embrapa Cerrados launches the soybean cultivar BRS 8383IPRO, a variety with greater resistance to water stress in regions with less rainfall. In addition, it is resistant to glyphosate and expresses the Bt protein, protecting soybeans from the main caterpillars that attack the crop. (Embrapa Cerrados and Bahia Foundation)



Brazil Agrochemical Update 05/25

Pesticide Registration Approvals in Brazil (2021)