Animal Health Industry Grew 9.2% in 2021 in Brazil

Animal Health Industry
Published on: July 6, 2022

“…combination of science and technology in the field is essential for practices focused on animal health and well-being, ensuring productive efficiency, food safety and less environmental impact…”

Delair Bolis is president of MSD Animal Health in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia. Bolis is also president of the National Union of the Industry of Animal Health Products (Sindan) and director of the Federation of Industries of São Paulo State.

Veterinary Industry

Delair Bolis is president of MSD Animal Health in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia.

AgriBrasilis – What is the size of the animal pharmaceuticals market (market growth numbers and MSD)?

Delair Bolis – The animal health market is one of the most promising, contributing directly to the care of animals and consequently of people around the world.

According to a survey by Sindan, the estimated growth of the veterinary industry in 2021 was 9.2%.

MSD Animal Health also had good results, following this movement. Despite being a year that continued to challenge everyone, the company bet even more on a new horizon in the sector, achieving 29% growth compared to 2020, which was 21% more than the company had planned, reaching revenues equivalent to US$ 260 million (2020 revenue was around US$ 216 million).

We believe in an optimistic year of growth. In 2022 we will launch 12 new products, serving the livestock, swine, aquaculture, poultry and pet markets. We will maintain our investment strategy in the country, seeking to achieve our goal of exceeding US$ 400 million in revenues in 2023.

AgriBrasilis – How have animal welfare concerns affected the market and consumer choices?

Delair Bolis – Consumers have been increasingly concerned with what they buy and with how that product reached the table, so they have been informed about the stages of food production. A survey by IBM, in partnership with the National Retail Federation, found that consumers are willing to pay an average of 35% more for sustainable and transparent products. This interferes with the market, as it influences how livestock farmers will stand out, bringing solutions and services to improve the animal’s well-being, increase sustainability in the production-chain and often even increasing its productive efficiency, resulting in the offer of a final product with quality and purpose for the consumer.

In this scenario, combination of science and technology in the field is essential for practices focused on animal health and well-being, ensuring, in addition to efficiency, food safety and less environmental impact. This is what we call One Health: integration of animals, people and the environment in a harmonic, respectful way and with quality assurance for all parties, since the well-being of one is directly linked to that of the other.



Brazil Agrochemical Update 07/06