Use Recommendation Exclusions of Products Containing the Active Ingredient Imidacloprid

MAPA, Act No. 71, of June 29th, 2022.

The usage changes set forth below apply to products containing the active ingredient imidacloprid registered until March 31st, 2021, with registration holders to update labels and package recommendations within a maximum period of six months.

1. Excludes the uses of products containing imidacloprid in the following cultures and modes of application:

a.) treatment of sunflower and castor seeds. b.) foliar spraying on beans and potatoes. c.) foliar spraying for lettuce, garlic, chicory, broccoli, onion, chicory, cabbage, cauliflower and cabbage, when intended for the production of botanical seeds. d.) before flowering in tomato, passion fruit, grape, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, guava, papaya, banana, mango, pepper, eggplant and forage palm. e.) directed to the soil or seedlings in tomato, by drip or directed jet. f.) in a tray of melon seedlings. g.) by directed jet on pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant and eggplant. h.) in a seedling tray, directed jet and dripping on the pepper.

2. The “aerial spray” application method is prohibited on products containing imidacloprid.

3. Restricted the use of products containing imidacloprid for “seed treatment” to the following crops and dosages (dosage of active ingredient/kg of seeds):

a.) rice: dosage of 37.5 to 270 g a.i./100 kg of seeds. b.) cotton: maximum of 360 g of a.i./100 kg of seeds. c.) peanuts: 30 to 60 g a.i./100 kg of seeds. d.) corn: maximum of 480 g a.i./100 kg. e.) soybean: maximum of 120 g a.i./100 kg. f.) sorghum: 75 to 225 g a.i./100 kg. g.) barley: 36 to 60 g a.i./100 kg. h.) oats: 30 to 60 g a.i./100 kg. a.i.) wheat: 30 to 62.4 g a.i./100 kg.

4. Restricts the targeted application of products containing imidacloprid in the following crops, dosages and type of application:

Pineapple: application by squirt, up to 30 days after transplanting, at a maximum dosage of 0.01 g a.i./plant.

Lettuce: application in the seedling tray, at a dosage of 0.42 g a.i./tray 200 wells (maximum 210 g a.i./ha). Use in crops intended for seed production is prohibited.

Broccoli: application by squirt, at a maximum dosage of 210 g a.i./ha. Use in plants intended for seed production is prohibited.

Cabbage: application by squirt, at a maximum dosage of 140 g a.i./ha. Use in plants intended for seed production is prohibited.

Cauliflower: application by squirt or in the seedling tray, at a dosage of 140 or 210 g a.i./ha per squirt or a maximum of 210 g a.i./ha in the seedling tray. Use in plants for seed production is prohibited.

Cabbage: squirt application at a dosage of 140 or 210 g a.i./ha. Use in plants for seed production is prohibited.

Coffee: soil application, after flowering, up to a maximum of BBCH 75, at a dosage corresponding to 0.39 g a.i./plant.

Sugarcane: application directed to the soil, at maximum dosages of 1440 g a.i./ha in the planting furrow and 1035 g a.i./ha in “ratoon cane”.

Citrus: application in the trunk restricted to seedlings and orchards in formation (under 3 years).

Watermelon: Maximum dosage of 210 g of a.i./ha/year (regardless of the application by squirting or dripping), right after germination in the field or transplanting the seedlings and at most until BBCH 13. When the application of imidacloprid is carried out by squirting or drip, it must be done ONLY ONCE in the season, without reapplications through foliar sprays.

Melon: application by squirting (drench) or drip (drip), up to 7 days after sowing – maximum up to BBCH 13 and at a maximum dosage of 210 g a.i./ha. When the application of imidacloprid is carried out by squirting or dripping, it must be done ONLY ONCE in the season, without reapplications through foliar sprays.

Onion: spray application directed at plants, at a maximum dosage of 70 g a.i./ha. Use in any form is prohibited when the crop is intended for seed production.

Tobacco: irrigation of the seedling bed, at dosages of 10 or 10.5 g a.i./50 m2 or a maximum of 252 g a.i./ha; spray application, at dosages 210, 240, 250, 252 or 288 g a.i./ha; application by directed jet, at a maximum dosage of 252 g a.i./ha; application in the seedling tray, at a maximum dosage of 160 g a.i./14.7 m2 of tray or a maximum of 10.5 g a.i./50 m2. Inflorescences must be removed during cultivation.

Grape: spray application after flowering, at dosages of 0.14 or 0.21 or 0.42 g a.i./plant.

5. Restricts land spraying not directed at the soil or plants, i.e,, full-area applications, of products containing imidacloprid under specific conditions and dosages, according to the tables.

6. Companies that hold product registrations containing the active ingredient imidacloprid with a recommendation for use for seed treatment must include the following risk mitigation measures on the labeling:

a.) Clean the seeds, removing all impurities (dust, crop residues, etc.) before starting the treatment; b.) Use of dust-reducing substances, polymers (film coatings) and/or other products that help to fix the pesticide in the seed, such as drying powders, pelletizing processes and/or similar; c.) Use of deflectors in seeders with a vacuum system.

7. Companies holding registrations of products containing the active ingredient imidacloprid must include the following warning phrase on the labeling:

“This product is toxic to bees. Non-directed spraying on a total area must comply with the recommendations of droplet size and non-application zone. Do not apply this product during flowering, not immediately before flowering or when bee visitation is observed in culture. Failure to comply with these determinations constitutes an environmental crime, subject to applicable penalties and without prejudice to other responsibilities.”

8. The recommendation for the use of products containing imidacloprid:

a) Citrus: in plants under three years old, it is restricted to the “application in the trunk” and authorized until August 31st, 2027, unless the studies in phase 4 are completed by Ibama beforehand. b) Citrus: “foliar spray” is restricted in orchards over three years old and authorized until August 31st, 2027, unless phase 4 studies are completed by Ibama beforehand. c) Pine trees: in “immersion/watering of seedling trays” or for application through watering the seedlings after transplanting, is authorized until August 31st, 2025, unless a product is registered beforehand for the control of Cinara atlantica. d) Eucalyptus: in “application by directed jet” and “immersion/watering of seedlings” is authorized until August 31st, 2025, unless a product is registered beforehand for the control of Cornitermes bequaerti and Syntermes molestus. e) Beans: “seed treatment” is authorized until August 31st, 2025, unless products for the control of Bemisia tabaci, Empoasca kraemeri and Aphis craccivora are previously registered for this type of application.

9. The combined use of imidacloprid in more than one application mode, in the same cultivation cycle and before flowering, is authorized until August 31st, 2027, except for melon and watermelon, unless Ibama completes the combined use studies before.

10. The use of imidacloprid in subsequent cultures is maintained until the following two conditions are met:

I – Field studies are carried out to determine the risk in consecutive crops; and

II – Ibama establishes the safety intervals in relation to subsequent cultures.



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