Act of approval of toxicological evaluation for pesticide registration purposes - Resolution No. 3,872 of 10/10/2023 - Published on 10/16/2023


Act of approval of toxicological evaluation for pesticide registration purposes

  Resolution No. 3,872 of 10/10/2023 – Published on 10/16/2023


Brand Name Type Tox. Class.


ADAMA MIL FH 0602/13 Formulated product based on equivalent technical product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage  
CTVA VERPIXO New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Florylpicoxamid
FMC FERUS New formulated product Category 4 – Slightly toxic Azoxystrobin 150 + difenoconazole 187.5 + fluindapyr 150 g/L SC
SINON SINSMART Microbiological product – microbiological active ingredient already registered in the country Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
NORTOX TEBUCONAZOL + PROTIOCONAZOL NORTOX Formulated product based on equivalent technical product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Prothioconazole + tebuconazole
PRENTISS MALATHOR Formulated product based on equivalent technical product Category 4 – Slightly toxic Malathion
SYNGENTA CRESTIVO 200 SL New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Biciclopyrone 200 SL
SYNGENTA CRESTIVO NA New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Non crop
SYNGENTA CRESTIVO SL New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Biciclopyrone SL
SYNGENTA EMBLAZON New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Biciclopyrone
SYNGENTA CRESTIVO New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Biciclopyrone
SYNGENTA STOREN, STOREN SC New formulated product Category 4 – Slightly toxic Tebuthiuron + biciclopyrone SC
SYNGENTA CRESTIVO DUO New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Hexazinone + biciclopyrone
SYNGENTA CRESTIVO DUO SL New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Hexazinone + biciclopyrone SL
SYNGENTA PANTISO New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Ametrine + biciclopyrone
SYNGENTA PANTISO SC New formulated product Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Ametrine + biciclopyrone SC
TOTAL BTP 0159-21AB New microbiological product – with microbiological active ingredient not yet registered in the country Category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Bacillus thuringiensis isolated cctb22 + Bacillus thuringiensis isolated cctb25 + Brevibacillus laterosporus isolated cct492