Voluntary withdrawal request of claims for toxicological evaluation of pesticides - Resolution No. 769 from 03/09/2023 - Published on 03/13/2023


Voluntary withdrawal request of claims for toxicological evaluation of pesticides

Resolution No. 769 from 03/09/2023 – Published on 03/13/2023

Registrant Brand name Note


ADAMA GALIL SC Change of application mode, inclusion of crops Bifenthrin
CROPCHEM ACETAMIPRIDO TÉCNICO SN-CROPCHEM Equivalent technical product Acetamiprid
CROPCHEM GLIFOSATO TÉCNICO JT CROPCHEM Equivalent technical product Glyphosate
NORTOX HEXAZINONA + TEBUTHIURON WG Formulated product based on equivalent technical Hexazinone + tebuthiuron WG