Agrochemicals in Brazil
- Crude fertilizer imports increased 197.2% from beginning of the year until the third week of July. Chemical fertilizers increased by 187.9%, while category of insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, plant growth regulators, disinfectants and the like grew by 137%. (Ministry of Economy)
- In compliance with court decision, Anvisa approves toxicological evaluation of the pesticide flumioxazin 500 SC from Alta. (Anvisa)
- New type of phosphate fertilizer is developed by Embrapa in partnership with the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina and the German institute Forschungszentrum Jülich. Polysulfide fertilizer is obtained by reverse vulcanization process of struvite, a mineral formed by magnesium, ammonium and phosphate, and has slow release. Results show potential to increase soybean biomass. (Embrapa; Epagri)
- Expected reduction of fertilizer imports in the second half of 2022, as a result of higher input costs. Unfavorable exchange rate for farmers should reduce the purchase of fertilizers. (StoneX Consulting)
- Porto do Recife records highest cargo handling in June for the last three years, with an increase of 90% compared to the previous year. Highlight for the growth in handling of fertilizers, with an increase of 630.4%, or 29,285 tonnes. (Port of Recife)
- BASF promotes training in good agricultural spraying practices in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in partnership with the Institute for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension. Importance of the correct choice of spray nozzles, new classification of personal protective equipment and use of adjuvants in the field were the topics covered. (Basf; Emater)
- City of Uberaba, in the State of Minas Gerais, seeks to reactivate an ammonia plant, whose construction was started by Petrobras, but was abandoned in 2015. Approximately 30% of the factory was built, at a cost of approximately US$ 200 million. Project may be part of the National Fertilizer Plan, but depends on implementation of a gas pipeline in the region. (Uberaba City Hall)
- Unigel invests approximately US$ 92.5 million in a new sulfuric acid plant in the City of Camaçari, State of Bahia, and signs a protocol of intent with the government of the State of Sergipe for reactivation of an ammonium sulfate plant in the city of Laranjeiras, with an estimated investment of US$ 9.25 million to US$ 18.5 million. (Unigel)
- Nanotechnology developed by São Paulo State University in the city of Sorocaba reduces by 80 times the necessary dose of the herbicide atrazine, maintaining the same efficacy. (Unesp)
- Grazielle Parenti is the new head of business sustainability for Brazil and Latin America at Syngenta. (Syngenta)
- Agro Amazônia acquires Nativa, a distribution network from the State of Minas Gerais. Business still depends on approval by CADE. Value was not disclosed. (Sumitomo Corporation)
- Seized smuggled pesticides from Paraguay, estimated at US$ 174,000 in the city of Dourados, State of Mato Grosso do Sul. (Border Operations Department)
- Agriculture Council postpones to the second half of 2022 the analysis of the Project for the Accelerated Registration of Pesticides (PL 1459/2022). Commission shall debate with representatives from MAPA, Ibama and Anvisa, in August. (Rádio Senado)
- Agricultural fertilizer manufacturer Brandt inaugurates a second factory in Brazil with investment of approximately US$ 17.6 million, in the city of Cambé, State of Paraná. Initial manufacturing capacity is 20 million L of fertilizer per year. (Brandt do Brasil)