Brazil Agrochemical Update 03/02

Published on: March 2, 2022

  • Fertilizer prices rise 5.8% after a week of war in Ukraine. Urea products reached US$ 642/tons. (CNA)
  • Research at the Federal University of Mato Grosso receives support from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Mato Grosso in a project to develop a liquid fermentation process for Beauveria bassiana production, a fungus used as biological pesticide. (UFMT)
  • 3,000 L of paraquat, banned in Brazil, was seized in Pouso Alegre, State of Minas Gerais. Military Police of the State of Goiás seizes 20 tons of pesticides banned in Brazil, which were being smuggled from Paraguay. (Federal Highway Police; Border Operations Command)
  • Pesticides are sprayed irregularly by plane in areas of organic coffee, fruits and vegetables in the south of the State of Amazonas. Police says the responsible for those have been identified. Complaint about pesticide spray on indigenous lands in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul is made to the National Human Rights Council. (State of Amazon Police; CNDH)
  • Iran may triple urea exports to Brazil, from 600,000 to 2 million tons per year. (National Petrochemical Company of Iran)
  • Mosaic’s Fertilizer Purchasing Power Index (IPCF) reached 1.50 in January, the lowest level since October 2021, demonstrating an improvement in fertilizer purchasing power. (Mosaic)
  • State of Goiás has significant growth in the bioinput market, being a pioneer in the creation of a program to increase the use of bioinputs in the field. Equipments for 13 biofactories that will be installed in Goids during 2022, estimated in U$ 1.6 million, will be acquired during the first half of the year. (Goias State Agency for Technical Assistance, Rural Extension and Agricultural Research)
  • Announced the launch of stablecoin CibraCoin, a cryptocurrency based fertilizer’s price. (Cibra)