Overview by AgriBrasilis (Febuary 13th - 19th)

Published on: February 18, 2022

Commerce Stock Exchange of Rosario estimates production of 40.5 million tonnes of soybeans in 2021/22. United States Department of Agriculture estimated Argentine production at 45 million tonnes. (Stock Exchange of Rosario and USDA)

Corn harvest forecast for 2021/22 season is 51 million tonnes. (Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange)

Government offers credit of US$ 100 million to ranchers, agricultural cooperatives and milk farmers, aiming to increase herd and cattle productivity. (Argentine Livestock Plan)

2 million hectares of harvests were affected by drought. (INTA)

Ministry of Agriculture announces implementation of a specific credit line of US$ 4,7 million for farmers affected by fire and drought. (Ministry of Agriculture)

La Paz is highly dependent on runoff from Andes Mountains for agriculture and is a buffer against drought. Data indicates that they have 23% less water storage capacity than previously believed. (Nature Geoscience)

Bayer announces it may face difficulties in delivering glyphosate in next 3 months and the Brazilian subsidiary informs that it seeks to reduce supply impacts in Brazil as much as possible. (Bayer)

Cattle slaughter in Mato Grosso rises in January. Females were the most offered and the increase in this category was 26.83% due to a greater number of animals older than 36 months and a shortage of males. (Imea MT)

Federal government increases the number of agricultural attachés through Decree No. 10,963. New agricultural attachés in Germany are yet to be confirmed. (MAPA)

Agricultural insurance paid US$ 1 billion indemnity to farmers between January and December 2021. (MAPA)

More than 57 thousand producers from 7 states (Alagoas, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe) shall receive Garantia-Safra. Payment shall be in a single installment of US$ 164. (MAPA)

Launched platform, Arc Farm Intelligence, based on advanced farming consulting and machine learning that predicts pest attacks. (FMC)

Pork exports has increase of 18.8% in volume in the first month of the year. (Ministry of Economy – Comex Stat)

Chilean cherries gain recognition in exports to the US and total volume is 12,660 tonnes. China remains the main destination for the fruit. (ASOEX)

In a region dedicated to the cultivation of organic fruits and vegetables in Valparaíso, the first release in the country of the endoparasitoid Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae was carried out for the management of the spotted wing drosophila. (INIA La Cruz)

Ministry of Finance announces tariff reduction for 290 agricultural inputs. Measure seeks to combat the 20% increase in food production costs that are impacting inflation. (Ministerio de Hacienda)

USA stops importing avocados from the country after an American inspector receives threat from criminals in the state of Michoacan, the only state authorized to export the fruit. (U.S. Embassy and Mexican Department of Agriculture)

Government announces purchase of 5,000 pigs to help sector affected by US imports covered by Trade Promotion Agreement. (Ministry of Agricultural Development)

For the first time Boran cattle are exported to Argentina. (Paraguay Rural Association)

Soybean processing can only be performed until June due to drought. (Reuters)

The country was the largest beef supplier to Chile in 2021. (Ministry of Agriculture of Chile)

Agroexports reach record in 2021, totaling US$ 9 million. (Midalgri)

Agro Rural Program delivers around 44 sheds that will house 4,400 sheep, alpacas and camelids, as part of the activities of the Second Agrarian Reform. (Midalgri)

Authorized meat and poultry product exports to Macao, China. (Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries)

Nacional Institute of Farming Research carries out the first large-scale release of the wasp Tamarixia radiata, for biological control of Diaphorina citri, vector of the citrus greening disease. (INIA)

Potato growers request license to import seeds to genetically renew production. (Unagandes)