Brazil Has Suspended the Export of Poultry Meat to 44 Countries

A survey performed by the consulting firm Opina Argentina indicates that inflation is no longer the biggest concern for people in Argentina. For the first time, unemployment appeared as the main reason for concern, according to 37% of the 2591 people interviewed by the firm. Inflation came in second place, with 29%. (Opina Argentina)
Pig farming market shows positive prospects. The Brazilian Animal Protein Association predicts that Brazilian pork exports, including fresh and processed products, should exceed 100 thousand tonnes in July. Until July 21st, 89 thousand tonnes were exported. Exports from 2024 are on the rise, with an increase of 4.1% in volume compared to the same period in 2023. (ABPA)
Although the dry weather is positive for the coffee harvest, the weather conditions raise concerns about the next crop. “Coffee prices on Monday rose after Somar Meteorologia reported that the State of Minas Gerais region received no rain last week, compared to the week’s historical average of 2.6 mm”, according to Barchart. “The total harvest – arabica plus conilon/canephora – should reach 66.04 million bags, approximately 4.3 million bags below the last estimate… and practically in line with the past harvest”, according to Safras & Mercado consulting firm. (Barchart; Safras & Mercado)
SLC Agrícola announced a joint venture with Agropecuária Rica, involving the Fazenda Preciosa farm, located in the State of Mato Grosso. SLC will hold a 55% stake of the farm, and the other company will hold the remaining 45%. Fazenda Preciosa has an area of 21.8 thousand hectares if the potential for first and second crops is considered, and should initially be used for the production of soybeans and corn. (SLC Agrícola)
Capal Cooperativa Agroindustrial announced a partnership with Sicredi Novos Horizontes PR/SP and Sicoob Aliança to release US$ 6.91 million through the Coffee Economy Defense Fund – Funcafé. Resources will be invested in the north of the State of Paraná and the southwest of São Paulo. Approximately 600 associated coffee farmers will benefit. According to Amilton Brambila, financial director at Capal, Funcafé credit allows for an extension of the payment period for inputs after the harvest, better negotiation conditions with the supply chain and allows to seize purchasing and selling opportunities. (Capal Agroindustrial Cooperative)
The Ministry of Agriculture has temporarily suspended the export of poultry meat to 44 countries after identifying the Newcastle disease virus in a poultry farm in Anta Gorda, State of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, 70 ministry employees will inspect 800 farms to identify outbreaks of the disease. (MAPA)
Climate is transitioning to the La Niña Phenomenon, with a 69% chance that the phenomenon will begin by the end of July and continue throughout the 2H/2024. Heavy rains are expected, which could result in flash floods and landslides. La Niña can “cause damages to infrastructure, reduce labor productivity, human capital and cause losses in agriculture”, says Rodrigo Suárez, sustainability leader for Latin America and the Caribbean at Marsh McLennan, an insurance and risk management company. (Ideam; Marsh McLennan)
During 2023, the Department of Agriculture rejected the entry of 1,463 commercial shipments with more than 263 thousand tonnes of risky agricultural products, avoiding the entry of 258 pests of quarantine importance into Mexico. (Sader)
GDP growth projection in 2024 remains at 3.8%. The agricultural sector showed a small increase of 0.4% in the last quarterly GDP, due to higher production of sugarcane, cotton, beans, yerba mate, etc. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, projections for the next quarter could be harmed due to the smaller harvest of off-season corn. (Capeco; Midagri)