Overview by Agribrasilis (27-3 of july)

Published on: July 2, 2021



Government reduces export taxes on products from regional economies. The measure includes 67 tariff positions, including products whose tariffs were readjusted. (MAGyP)

Quinoa-based milk was launched, the result of an alliance between CONICET and the company Babasal. (MAGyP)

Electronic delivery note can be used from September 1st for the transport of grain. The process of registering, loading and issuing the voucher will be done online in a single step and in the same registration. (MGAyP)

Rizobacter launches the Adjuvant and Formulation Assessment Laboratory (LEAF) to assess the impacts of technologies used in agricultural applications. (Rizobacter)



Ministry delivers wells to supply water for agricultural activities in the department of Santa Cruz. (MDRyT)



Frost should affect maize in Paraná. The Rural Development Institute points out that frost is common in the state, but it must be more harmful due to the delay in planting. For winter cereals, on the other hand, the delay has made them in a less sensitive state. (IDR-PR)

Banco do Brasil allocates US$ 27 billion for the 2021/2022 harvest (MAPA)

Amazonas State is included in the Crop Guarantee Fund, in the agricultural year 2021/2022. Currently, all states in the Northeast and North of Minas Gerais participate in the program. It is a conditional benefit that aims to ensure minimum conditions for food security for family farmers in municipalities subject to systematic crop loss due to drought or flood. (MAPA)

Agriculture was the only sector that registered an increase (6.50%) in the number of job vacancies in the period from February to April 2021, according to data from the National Household Sample Survey released on Wednesday by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. However, the unemployment rate remains at a record 14.70%. (IBGE)

Conab launches a new indicator for the management of agricultural activity in which it is possible to measure how much of an agricultural product must be sold to acquire an input. (Conab)







Healthy Ancestral Food Seal was launched with the objective of bringing visibility and support to family and indigenous agriculture. (Minagri)



Coffee exporters will need at least another 2 months to clear the export backlog caused by anti-government protests in May. About 700,000 bags of coffee have yet to be shipped. The federation of coffee farmers maintains the export estimate in 2021, between 11.5 and 12 million bags, despite difficulties such as the shortage of containers. (National Coffee Federation) 



Recent rains and good weather forecast for the next 15 days encourage producers to plant beans. (GCMA)



The Ambassador of the Republic of Paraguay to the State of Qatar, Ángel Cibils, informed that Qatar has shown interest in importing lamb meat. Businessmen from that country plan to visit to analyze investment projects to promote an increase in the herd of sheep in Paraguay and build a slaughterhouse. (Rural Association of Paraguay)

Cattle slaughter in Paraguay could exceed 2.3 million heads in 2021.



The Exporters Association estimates that ginger will be ranked top 10 of the agro-exports, thanks to greater demand from markets such as the United States and the Netherlands. Between 2012 and 2020 exports increased from US$ 4 million to US$ 104.7 million. (ADEX)



FAO published the report Food Outlook 2021, in which it forecasts a decrease in the meat trade in general. On the other hand, an increase in beef trade is estimated at 1.1%, to be served by Uruguay, Brazil, USA and Canada. (FAO)