Brazil Agrochemical Update 06/08

Mercado de defensivos Fertilizer and Pesticide news
Published on: June 8, 2022

Fertilizer and Pesticide News in Brazil

  • Ministry of Agriculture grants registration of 67 pesticide technical products. (Mapa)
  • Seapdr extends deadline of rules for the use of hormonal pesticides in the state of Rio Grande do Sul until the end of August. The extension is because of the high demand for training courses for the correct application of products. (Seapdr)
  • More than 4,000 tonnes of string beans are seized in the state of Mato Grosso due to contamination with forbbiden pesticides. The suspicion is that the contamination took place inside silos, where a contaminated load compromised all the rest of the grains. (Mapa and Indea)
  • President of the Board of Fertilizantes Heringer (FHER3), Kuzma Marchuk, resigns from the presidency and position on the board. (Heringer Fertilizers)
  • Fertilizer prices decrease and the scenario becomes more favorable to farmers. This happens because fertilizers were imported in larger amounts, with the shipment of the goods ‘in advance’ in relation to the demand. (COGO)
  • Samples indicate water contamination by pesticides, such as atrazine and simazine in cities in the state of Santa Catarina. (UFSC)
  • Adapar coordinates an inspection operation in the state of Paraná that seized 1,000 L of pesticides of foreign origin and use forbidden in Brazil. (Adapar)
  • Justice determines that Indea provides data about pesticides commercialization in the state of Mato Grosso. The decision forces Indea to make the information public within 15 days, under penalty of characterizing a crime of disobedience. (Ministry of Labor)
  • Ministry of Agriculture publishes list of 20 targets for prioritization for pesticide registration. Registrations in processes that have one or more targets become eligible, and companies have until the 20th to reuqest prioritization. (Mapa)
  • Fertilizers and pesticides are the main factors responsible for doubling of soybean production costs in 2022 compared to the previous year. (IMEA)
  • Environment Commission votes this Wednesday a bill that establishes a legal framework for the production of bioinputs (PL 3668/2021). The project was presented as a response to the proposal to make the pesticide law more flexible (PL 1459/2022). (CMA)
  • Petrobras resumes the process of selling the Nitrogen Fertilizer Unit (UFN3), in Três Lagoas, state of Minas Gerais. (Petrobras)



Brazil Agrochemical Update 06/01