Crop Protection and Nutrition - Weekly Update Brazil & Latin America (06/06/24 – 06/12/24)

Published on: June 12, 2024

President of Bolivia Hopes to Sign “Many Agreements on Fertilizers” With Brazil


Anvisa published the voluntary withdrawal of the toxicological evaluation files: technical methomyl, from Tradecorp, and Paenibacillus azotofixans + Bacillus subtilis + Bacillus licheniformis + Bacillus circulans, from Total Biotecnologia. (Anvisa)

With an investment of US$ 190 thousand, Rizobacter opened up an Adjuvants and Formulations Assessment Laboratory in Londrina, State of Paraná. (Rizobacter from Brazil)

During the X Abisolo – Forum and Exhibition, which took place on the 5th and 6th of June, Roberto Levrero, president of the Association’s deliberative council, said that the special fertilizers market had revenues of US$ 4.22 billion in 2023. “We are aware that our sector is strategic for maintaining the competitiveness of Brazilian agribusiness”, said Levrero. Abisolo estimates a 15% increase in revenue from special fertilizers in 2024. (Brazilian Association of Plant Nutrition Technology Industries)

The Department of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo announced, during the 49th Expocitros and 45th Citriculture Week, a line of credit for farmers who had citrus orchards affected by greening. The announcement was made by the Secretary of Agriculture, Guilherme Piai. “São Paulo will not lose this battle against greening. Let’s keep the sector strong and a world-leader. We opened this line of credit for those small-sized farmers who want to start their lives over and even plant a new crop”, said Piai. The credit line offers up to US$ 55.98 thousand per farmer, a maximum payment period of 96 months, a grace period of 36 months, and interest rates starting at 3% per year. (Agriculture Department of São Paulo)

According to the Agricultural Defense Institute of the State of Mato Grosso – Indea, the soybean fallow period begins on June 8th, ending on September 6th. This anticipation, established by Ordinance SDA/MAPA No. 1111 of the Ministry of Agriculture, changes the traditional schedule, which predicted the start for the second half of June. The 90-day fallow period is a crucial measure to prevent Asian rust in soybeans, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Farmers who do not comply with the soybean fallow period will be subject to fines. In 2023, 5,864 inspections were carried out and 67 infraction notices were drawn up. (Indea)

Startup Predativa, based in Patos de Minas, State of Minas Gerais, uses lacewings (Ceraeochrysa cubana and Chrysoperla externa) for biological pest control. Founded by Pedro Tomaz and Bruno Mundim, the company seeks to make the adoption of natural enemies in Brazilian farms easier and cheaper. According to Tomaz, large-scale lacewing production is challenging and requires high investments, in addition to facing transportation problems due to the sensitivity of the insects. “Today, the average that farmers pay is US$ 28.05/ha to use lacewings. We have already managed to reduce this investment to US$ 9.35/ha”, said Tomaz. (Predativa)

Ministry of Agriculture publishes 80 pesticide registration approvals, 17 of which are biological products, 4 glyphosate-based, 4 sulfentrazone, 2 bifenthrin, etc. (MAPA)

“We reached, in November of 2023 and February of this year, the lowest values of fertilizer sales of the historical series. But the May results already show a reversal”, says Marcelo Mello, head of fertilizers at StoneX. By May, farmers had already purchased 51% of the volume of fertilizer needed for the 2H/2024. In May 2023, fertilizer sales for the second half of the year were at 44%. (Stonex Consulting)

Petrobras approves reactivation of the Araucária Nitrogenados nitrogen fertilizer factory in the State of Paraná, in hibernation since 2020. According to a statement, the operation should be restarted in the second half of 2025. (Petrobras)

The Environment and Sustainable Development Committee of the Chamber of Deputies (Brazilian Lower House of Congress) promoted, on June 6th, a seminar on public policies to reduce the use of pesticides. “Scientific evidence indicates that pesticides are related in many ways to climate change, contributing considerably to greenhouse gas emissions and making agricultural systems more vulnerable,” says deputy Nilto Tatto. (Agência Câmara de Notícias)

Lavoro opens its 54th store in the State of Paraná, in Capitão Leônidas Marques. The product portfolio includes seeds, fertilizers, specialties, biologicals and agricultural pesticides. (Lavoro Agro)

Record prices for oranges sold to the São Paulo State industry – short and new long-term contracts – for the 2024/25 harvest should boost citrus growers’ purchasing power in relation to agricultural inputs”, according to the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics – Cepea. “Devaluations of important items used in the crop, such as fertilizers, also favor purchasing power… The farmer’s purchasing power in the 2024/25 season should be the highest since 2018… Even with all these numbers signaling a positive scenario for the resumption of new areas with oranges, it is important to highlight that uncertainties regarding the advance of HLB [greening] in the orchards and its impact on production still remain”. (Cepea)

“In Brazil, agricultural adjuvants are not regulated by a specific pesticide legislation. However, there are other ways to guarantee the quality and effectiveness of these products”, according to Leandro Viegas, CEO of Sell Agro, specialized in application technology and agricultural adjuvants. “The Brazilian Association of Agricultural Adjuvant Manufacturers can act in self-regulation and promote good practices among its members, and can also influence the creation of technical standards and specific guidelines for the adjuvant sector. Although specific formal regulation does not yet exist, the combination of technical standards, inspection by public bodies, manufacturers’ responsibility, good agricultural practices, and scientific research helps to ensure that agricultural adjuvants used in Brazil are safe and effective”. (Sell Agro)

Abinbio – Brazilian Association of Biotechnology Industries was inaugurated during BioSummit 2024, held in Campinas, on May 28th and 29th. The association already has 13 of the largest bioinput companies in Brazil, which represent approximately half of the country’s bioinput market share. (Abinbio)

Galvani, the largest producer of phosphate fertilizers in Matopiba, plans to invest US$ 560 million by 2027 to double industrial operating capacity in the State of Bahia, open a new mining area in the state and build a factory in the State of Ceará. (Galvani Fertilizers)

In two years, the number of human poisonings by pesticides in farms in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul doubled. According to the State’s Department of Health, cases of agricultural pesticide poisoning increased from 73 in 2021 to 152 in 2023. (SES)

Public civil action filed jointly by the Public Ministry of Labor, the Public Ministry of Mato Grosso and the Federal Public Ministry attempts to ban glyphosate in the State of Mato Grosso. The process, which has been pending in the Labor Court since August 2019, intends to “constitute and impose on all farmers the obligation to refrain from using pesticides that contain the active ingredient glyphosate in their production process, with the purpose of protecting the health and life of rural workers”. (MPMT)

During the last two months, the Federal Highway Police has seized more than 6,900 L of pesticides during inspections in the State of Maranhão. The most recent case was recorded on June 2nd, during the inspection of a passenger bus on BR 230, in Balsas, in which more than 1190 L of pesticides and 375 kg of insecticides without documentation were seized. (PRF)

Unesp researchers created a method to remove glyphosate residue from contaminated water using sugarcane bagasse. “Bagasse cellulose fibers can be used as an adsorbent material, retaining glyphosate molecules on their surface. In this way, it is possible to remove, through filtration, decantation or centrifugation, the contaminant from the water”, said researcher Maria Guimarães Leal. Available at: (Unesp; Agência Fapesp)

Joseane Mozzaquatro is the new managing partner and general director at the company Toxplus Consultoria e Inovação em Toxicologia, a toxicological consulting firm for pesticide registration. (Toxplus)

The [Brazilian] inputs market in 2024 started with delays due to farmers focusing on grain sales and waiting for improvements in exchange rates”, according to Ithamar Prada, vice-president of marketing and innovation at ICL South America. “However, the market began to heat up, mainly due to the approach of the harvest and the need to use technologies to obtain high yields and profitability. The sector is aware of the logistical challenges in Brazil and the delay in commercialization may impact the logistics of inputs”. (ICL South America)

Grupo Pátria announced the acquisition of the seeds company Sementes São Francisco, from Rio Verde, State of Goiás. The company earns around US$ 37.32 million each year. Its current executives should remain at their positions. Transaction depends on approval by the Brazilian Administrative Council for Economic Defense. (Grupo Pátria)

According to the Center for Socioeconomics and Agricultural Planning of the State of Santa Catarina – Epagri/CEPA, April of 2024 showed a tendency towards a reduction in the costs of fertilizers and pesticides, when compared to the same period in 2023, considering nominal values. Reference production costs for wheat, the main winter grain in Santa Catarina, showed a reduction when compared to the previous season. The drop was driven by the decrease in input prices (-11%), especially fertilizers (-26%). In the case of oats, despite the reduction in the prices of fertilizers and pesticides, the increase in the price of seeds resulted in a higher total cost. According to João Alves, analyst at Epagri/Cepa, although the cost of wheat production has decreased, the value received by the producer per bag has fallen significantly. (Epagri/CEPA)

Fertilizer Purchasing Power Index, calculated by the Mosaic Company, showed improvements for the second consecutive month. Now is a favorable time for farmers to purchase inputs. (The Mosaic Company)

Latin America

Felippe Oliveira is the new commercial director at DMA Growing Solutions – ICL South America. (ICL América do Sul)

The beginning of the wheat harvest in Argentina was expected to be low in planting and have little investment in inputs, but farmers regained their optimism due to the improvement in wheat prices and a sharp drop in fertilizer prices. According to the Rosário Stock Exchange, farmers and analysts indicate that there should be a fertilization of 200 to 250 kg of urea per hectare of wheat, on average. “With 40% of the planting done, we begin to notice a ‘cascade’ effect, in which more hectares are being planted and there is more planning to carry out fertilization”. (Rosário Stock Exchange)

President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, stated that the country hopes to sign “many agreements on fertilizers” with Brazil during the visit of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the country in July. According to Arce, the presidents will discuss the production of urea and NPK, coming from industries in the department of Cochabamba. “We are working hard with Itamaraty to reach several agreements”, said Arce. (Government of Bolivia)

José Alfredo García is the new Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at Rovensa Next, a bioinputs company operating in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, etc. (Rovensa Next)

Maximiliano Néstor Cueto is the new leader of product management – seeds, traits, crop protection – Southern Cone [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay] at Bayer. (Bayer Crop Science)


Company Wants to Explore Potash in the Amazon Region, but There Are Setbacks