Overview by AgriBrasilis (01/13 - 01/19)

296.6% increase in meat prices in Buenos Aires in 2023

Increase in the soybean and corn harvest could recover the country’s economy. Around 95% of the soybeans planted, corresponding to 3.9 million ha, are in excellent condition. For corn, the area under these conditions corresponds to 80% and can reach a productivity of up to 15 tonnes/ha. (Rosário Commerce Exchange)

Province of Corrientes is facing severe damage due to heavy rains, with about 416 thousand hectares flooded. Rainfall tripled in December in the Mercedes region, one of the most affected areas. (Conae; ORA)

More than a thousand businesspeople and farmers expressed, through the Committee for Small and Medium Enterprises, Entrepreneurs and Producers, support for reforms for business creation, exports, investment attraction and job creation promoted by the government. “The Committee has consolidated itself to defend a more flexible regulatory framework adapted to the needs of the productive sector”, according to the committee’s statement. (PEP)

Inflation in December 2023 was 25.5% and the accumulated for the year increased by 211.4%. The sector with the biggest increase was food and non-alcoholic beverages, with 29.7%, highlighting the increase in the prices of meat and meat products, bread and cereals. In Buenos Aires the price of meat increased by 296.6% in 2023. (Anec)

3tentos announced investment plan of US$ 405.2 million until 2030, mainly aimed at the construction of a corn ethanol plant in the northeast of the State of Mato Grosso. (3tentos)

Estimate of 135 million tonnes for the 2023/24 soybean harvest, due to losses as a result of climate instability and irregular rainfall in the main States of Brazil. “When the farmer receives a value below what his product is really worth, and that does not cover the cost of production, the loss is not only for the farmers, but is shared in the form of a reduction in economic activity in the producing regions…”, warns Aprosoja Brasil. (Aprosoja)

John Deere and SpaceX made a deal to create connectivity services for farmers in remote regions through the Starlink, SpaceX’s satellite communication network. (John Deere)

Agricultural cooperative Comigo has invested US$ 30.4 million to build a new soybean and corn storage unit in the city of Mineiros, State of Goiás, with the capacity for 3.3 million bags. “The farmer will have the conditions, ease and agility to deliver the grains there. This is a very significant investment”, said Antonio Chavaglia, president of the director’s board. The cooperative receives almost 20% of the soybean harvested in Goiás. (Cooperativa Comigo)

Agribusiness exports reached US$ 166.55 billion in 2023, 4.8% more than in 2022. Highlight for December, which reached US$ 13.51 billion, an increase of 20.9% when compared to the same period of 2022. December’s result was influenced by an increase of 28.9% in the volume of shipments, despite the 6.1% drop in average export prices for agribusiness products. (Ministry of Agriculture)

More than US$ 50.9 billion in rural credit was contracted for the 2023/24 season until December of 2023. “This means that more than 57% of the resources made available for the 2023/24 harvest (US$ 88.63 billion) have already been destined”, according to Salatiel Turra, analyst at the Union and Organization of Cooperatives of the State of Paraná. (Getec; Ocepar)

New pest associated with bermuda grass pastures in the State of Santa Catarina was identified, called leafhopper Metadelphax propinqua. According to the researcher Leandro do Prado Ribeiro “… the monitoring of the areas is essential for us to recognize the problem, its distribution throughout the territory of Santa Catarina and also the impact on the forage production systems here in the state”. (Epagri/Cepaf)

INIA-G4 table grape variety is an alternative in the Chilean industry considering water scarcity. The result of 15 years of research by the INIA and Biofrutales genetic improvement program with the support of Corfo, the variety has characteristics such as white color, medium-early harvest, pleasant flavor and good firmness. According to María Cecilia Peppi, researcher at INIA La Platina, the INIA-G4 variety showed good performance and reasonable yield despite water limitations. (INIA Biofrutales)

Esteban Valenzuela, minister of agriculture, announced a tender for a desalination plant in the Coquimbo region. The initiative will involve an investment of US$ 300 million and is scheduled to be launched in 2029. The minister highlighted that the project includes agriculture, helping cattle breeders and farmers to face the water crisis. The plant is estimated to have a capacity of 1,200 liters/second, benefiting 540 thousand people with a drinking water stable supply. (Ministry of Agriculture)



Agricultural engineer and M.Sc. in agricultural economics, Maynor Estrada is the new Minister of Agriculture. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Agri-food trade balance had a surplus of US$ 6.76 billion between January and November 2023, an increase of 31.26% when compared to 2022. Exports increased 4.62%, indicating the 3rd year with the highest positive balance in 29 years. Beer, tequila, mezcal, and tomatoes were the most exported products in the first 11 months of 2023. Livestock exports increased 67.7% in the period. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reinforces measures to combat Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4, an important fungus for the banana tree, through product inspections carried out by the Phytosanitary Epidemiological Surveillance Program, training of farmers on banana pests and campaigns against this and other pests and diseases. (Sader; PVEF)



Ricaurte Vásquez Morales, administrator of the Panama Canal, predicts a US$ 500 to 700 million reduction in revenue due to the drought for fiscal year 2024, from October 1st, 2023 to September 30th, 2024. Since October 2023, the canal received around US$ 100 million less per month: “It is a significant reduction”, he highlights. (Panama Canal Authority)

National Agricultural Health Service launches a vaccination campaign against the diseases malignant edema, anthrax and symptomatic anthrax in affected regions such as Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, etc. (Senasa)

Peru became the world leader in table grape exports, with a volume of 593 thousand tonnes. The country surpassed Chile in production and took the ninth position as the largest producer of the fruit. (Fluctuante)


Animal Welfare Can Increase the Quality of Meat and Ensure Greater Feed Efficiency