巴西和拉丁美洲 – Overview by AgriBrasilis (08/19 – 08/25)

Published on: August 25, 2023

Soybean shipments from Brazil to China increased 32%

Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) was detected in crops in the north of the country. This virus was first described in 2014 in Israel and has been detected in Asia, Europe and North and Central America. ToBRFV causes brown spots on the fruits, deformations, loss of quality and yield reduction. The National Service of Agro-Food Sanity and Quality declared a phytosanitary alert because of it. (Senasa)

Economic activity dropped 4.4% in June, compared to the same period in 2022. This was the third decrease in a row, strongly impacted by the agricultural sector, that fell by 40.4%. (National Institute of Statistics and Census)

Brazil accounts for 79% of Argentine wheat exports between January and July of 2023. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Soybean shipments from Brazil to China increased 32% in July, when compared to the same month of 2022, reaching 9.23 million tonnes. From January to July, China imported 38.9 million tonnes from Brazil, an increase of 12.2% when compared to 2022. (General Administration of Customs)

Another case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a wild bird was detected. The case occurred in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo. In total, 83 cases of the disease have already been identified in wild birds in the country and two cases happened in subsistence production. (MAPA)

Soybean seed market reached US$ 5.02 billion during the last season, an increase of 18% when compared to 2021/22. The planted area increased by 6%, reaching more than 42 million hectares. “Bt” type seeds (GMO seeds based on Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria) are present in more than 90% of the soybean area, while the “RR” (Roundup-Ready, resistant to glyphosate) ones represent 8%. (Kynetec Consulting)

In the past eight months, 37 new markets were opened for agribusiness product exports. According to the Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro, this is “the effect of bilateral negotiations that resulted in an agreement about the health certification parameters and the corresponding sanitary, phytosanitary or veterinary certificates”. The most recent markets were Vanuatu (sterilized meat products and poultry offal); Indonesia (cattle for fattening, poultry, and feather by-product meals, among others); Dominican Republic (beef and pork, meat products and offal); Mexico (pork fat for animal feed); and Saudi Arabia (meat products from goats). (MAPA)

The Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro, announced US$ 1.29 billion in credit for the new coffee season. (MAPA)

After a public hearing, the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Agrarian Reform approved on August 23rd the Bill No. 2903/2023 that establishes the Temporal Framework for the demarcation of indigenous lands. (CRA)

Excessive rainfall and strong winds put Chile in a state of emergency. Evacuation alerts were issued in settlements close to rivers in the regions of Biobío and Maule, in the south-central part of the country. So far, two people have died, while 5,509 are isolated, mainly in the Maule region. More than 19,800 people were evacuated. Even so, the country still faces the risk of water scarcity because of problems in infrastructure and water management. The recent rains are not expected to compensate for the deficit caused by the intense drought that has affected the country for over 10 years. (Senapred)

Minister of Agriculture, Esteban Valenzuela, informed Chile is free of the highly pathogenic avian flu after the Agricultural and Livestock Service fulfilled all actions established by the World Organization for Animal Health. “Chile declared itself free of avian flu in birds. This is tremendous news to be had in the context of the tragedy caused by the rains, especially for the O’Higgins region… This is one less problem”, said Valenzuela. (Ministry of Agriculture)

A bridge collapsed in Los Grillos, on August 20th, and is causing estimated losses of US$ 1.47 million per day for the agricultural sector. Rafael Hernández, general manager of Fedearroz, said that the impact is very serious for the rice market, as this is the route through which white rice from the Casanare and Arauca regions is transported to Bogotá and other commercial centers. “The route increases considerably, and this causes an increase in freight costs. This will affect rice prices at any time now”, said Hernández. The bridge collapsed in a critical period of the rice harvest. Of the 187,000 hectares planted, there are still almost 90,000 to be harvested. (Fedearroz)

Above average rainfall and high humidity are expected for the months of September through December, providing favorable conditions for the 2023/24 agricultural season. According to the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, these conditions tend to be beneficial for the initial stages of soybean, but farmers should be cautious because of the risk of fungal diseases. (Inbio)

95% of Peruvian coffee production is exported to 52 international markets. USA, Germany, Belgium, and Colombia are the main importing countries. Coffee is produced in 16 regions, in 427 thousand hectares. (Midagri)

Even with an annual per capita consumption that exceeds 220 kg of milk equivalent (unit used to compare different dairy products in terms of the amount of milk involved in their production), Uruguay had a surplus of 73% of its total milk production in 2022, reaching approximately 2.1 million tonnes for export. Milk production in the country has remained stable over the past 5 years, despite a 5.4% reduction in the cow herd during the period. (IFCN)


Booming Hass Avocado Market in Brazil