Agrochemical Update Brazil & Latin America - 04/26/2023

fertilizer sales
Published on: April 26, 2023

Lack of US$ 700 million to import fertilizers in Argentina


Civil Police of the State of Goiás announces operation to prevent the smuggling of pesticide packaging from the Agricultural Products Association of Paraúna, State of Goiás. “Employees of the association started to divert products and resell them to receivers, causing an estimated loss of US$ 50.62 thousand”, said delegate Álvares Lins. (PCGO)

Local production of intermediate fertilizers reached 565 thousand tonnes in January of 2023. Volume represents a reduction of 9.3% compared to the same period of 2022, when 623 thousand tonnes were produced. (ANDA)

Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of the State of São Paulo released report on prices of agricultural inputs for the State. During the past 12 months, highlight to the increase of 12.62% for Cotesia flavipes, 24.41% for dolomitic limestone, and 15.68% in the paid amount for imidacloprid. Prices dropped 27.87% for urea and 37.04% for glyphosate. (Faesp/Senar)

In celebration of Embrapa’s 50th anniversary, President Celso Moretti announced an agreement with University of Florida involving the funding of US$ 4 million, that will be used in research for reducing Brazil’s dependence on imported fertilizers. In addition to the agreement, were announced 30 technologies, such as the launch of a bioinsecticide to control the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) in partnership with Lallemand Plant Care. (Embrapa; University of Florida; Lallemand Plant Care)

Port of Paranaguá, the main gateway for fertilizers, received 660 thousand tonnes in January of 2023, a decrease of 26.1% when compared to 2022. Paranaguá represented 26.6% of the total imported in the period. (MDIC)

MAPA published deliberations on pesticide registration: 7 cancellations of registrations and registration requests, 36 authorizations for imports, in addition to inclusion of formulators, manufacturers, and other measures. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Federal University of Santa Maria and the company Transfertech signed an agreement for development of a biochemical herbicide. Project will have an investment of more than US$ 134 thousand. “Biotechnological molecules are easily degraded by microorganisms that are already in the soil. The residual effect, that is, the effect of environmental damage caused by these molecules, is much smaller”, said Marcio Mazutti, project coordinator. (UFSM; Transfertech)

Fernando Bonafé Sei is the new expert in biological inputs at Novozymes. (Novozymes)

Imports of fertilizers from Canada had a reduction of 16% in the 1Q of 2023, compared to 2022, that represented a record in trade between Canada and Brazil. Imports reached US$ 426.4 million (FOB) in the period. (Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce)

Cotribá, an agricultural cooperative in Ibirubá, State of Rio Grande do Sul, launched a portfolio of biological inputs, including organic fertilizers, microorganisms, and plant hormones. Cooperative will act as a distributor for companies such as De Sangosse, Simbiose, UPL, Dimicron, ICL, Yara, Timac Agro and Biotrop. (Cotribá)

Greenpeace claims to have found pesticide residues in 51 of 52 samples of Brazilian fruit exported to the European Union. More than 90% of the analyzed samples showed residues of at least seven pesticides. According to the NGO, six of the active ingredients detected are not approved for use in the EU. (Greenpeace)

Congressmen seek signatures for creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry (CPI) to investigate the pesticide registration process. Petition asks for investigation of “irregularities practiced in the procedures adopted for toxicological and environmental reassessments of pesticides”. According to the author of the proposal’s staff, congressman Paulo Bilynskyj, 122 signatures have been collected so far. At least 171 signatures are required for the request to be filed. (Chamber of Deputies)

Agricultural pesticides market earned US$ 1.67 billion with sales to sugarcane in 2022, that represents an increase of 33% compared to the previous year. (Kynetec Consulting)

Senator Zequinha Marinho asked senators’ support to vote in the Plenary in favor of Pesticide Bill No. 1459/2022, that changes rules for approval and sales of agricultural pesticides. Marinho said that members of the Agricultural Parliamentary Front, with whom he met on 04/19, expressed support for the matter to reduce bureaucracy in the sector, improve competitiveness and expand Brazilian productivity. Text was approved by the Committee on Agriculture and Agrarian Reform and is ready for analysis by the Plenary. (Senate Agency)

French startup Net Zero invests US$ 3.96 million to build a biochar production site in Lajinha, State of Minas Gerais. This will be the first high scale biocarbon production plant in Latin America. Input will be made from coffee straw. According to Pedro Figueiredo, CEO of NetZero in Brazil, biochar has the property of “retaining water and nutrients that are offered to plants in times of water deficit… favoring a 33% reduction in the use of fertilizers and, even during droughts, it maintains the soil hydrated.” (NetZero)

Decrease in agricultural production costs in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In the last 12 months, the inflation index of production costs accumulated a decrease of 21.9%, due to the devaluation of fertilizer prices. (Farsul)

BRFértil, fertilizer company from the State of Paraná, acquired a 19.5% stake in Andali, operator of fertilizer terminals in Rio Verde, State of Goiás, and Rondonópolis, State of Mato Grosso. After acquisition, BRFértil, that held a 30.5% stake in the business, reached a 50% share. Investment value was not disclosed. (BRFértil; Andali)

Logistics company VLI announces the purchase of 78 Hopper HTT wagons, suitable for transporting fertilizers, to increase operational capacity in the Northern Corridor. (VLI)

According to maritime agency Williams Brasil’s survey, between April 1st and 17th, the import of 4.116 million tonnes of fertilizers was scheduled. Most will disembark at the Port of Santos, State of São Paulo, totaling 1.168 million tonnes. 833.3 thousand tonnes should land at the Port of Paranaguá, State of Paraná, and 659.2 thousand tonnes at the Port of Rio Grande, State of Rio Grande do Sul. Vessels already anchored were considered, as well as those that are out in the open waiting to berthed, and those expected to arrive by May 26th. (Williams Brasil)

Latin America

According to Gustavo Idigoras, president of the Chamber of Oilseed Crushers and Exporters of Argentina, “There is a lack of US$ 700 million to import fertilizers for the next season, that are not being authorized”. Regarding the 2023/24 season, Idígoras said that “although some experts estimate a “super crop”, they do not realize that the conditions for seed production and fertilizer imports are in a critical situation”. (Ciara)

Adama’s global sales fell 11% during the 1Q of 2023, that ended on March 31st, reaching US$ 1.259 billion. According to the company, sales in Brazil increased during the period, but, in other Latin American countries, sales were slightly lower, mainly in ArgentinaEcuador and Peru. (Adama Ltd.)

The EU issued a warning about melons from Costa Rica that arrived in European territory on February 13th, 2023. According to EU authorities, products exceeded maximum residue limits for chlorothalonil. Costa Rican Phytosanitary Service issued a note stating that exports comply with international standards for pesticides. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Costa Rica, the concentration of chlorothalonil found in the melons was below that recommended by FAO, not presenting toxicological risks. Costa Rica is considering a ban on chlorothalonil following contamination of two rural aqueducts in the northern region of Cartago. (SFE)


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