Overview by AgriBrasilis (04/01 - 04/07)

Notícias América Latina /News on Latin American agribusiness sobre o agronegócio

Argentina resumed exports of chicken meat

Argentina resumed exports of chicken meat. Cases of avian flu on industrial farms had caused suspension of shipments in February. “We aim to readjust certificates to the new sanitary condition with importer countries and unlock exports of chicken meat, protein by-products and eggs”, explained the vice president of Senasa, Rodolfo Acerbi. Agreements were to resume shipments from disease-free regions to Russia, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, and Japan. Argentina also seeks to reestablish exports of poultry genetics to Mercosur and Mexico. (Senasa)

President of the Argentine Rural Society, Nicolás Pino, criticized the “agro dollar”. Pino believes that this measure could create exchange rate distortions and that the elimination of the export taxes, or retenciones, would result in a similar impact on revenues. “It will generate price distortions, as the ‘soybean dollar’ did. When there are interferences in the market, this kind of thing happens: uncertainty and perplexity”, he stated. According to Pino, damages caused by drought could reach US$ 20 billion in the country, requiring urgent measures from the government. (SRA)

General Resolution 5339/2023 of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues of Argentina suspended until December 31st of 2023 the collection regime that exempts importers from paying the Value Added Tax and Income Tax. Objective is collection of taxes, estimated at US$ 4.69 billion. Companies froze fertilizer sales, awaiting effects of the resolution, and the same is expected to happen with pesticides. “Agro-industrial business is devastated by an unprecedented drought… We requested officials to reconsider this resolution. Otherwise, future harvests will have lower volume and quality, and we will have more impoverished soils because of lower fertilizer use…”, according to a note from the Chamber of the Argentine Fertilizer and Agrochemical Industry. (CIAFA)

Jefferson Coriteac is the new President of the National Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension – Anater, for the next four years. (Ministry of Agrarian Development)

Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores da Zona de Três Pontas – Cocatrel, in the State of Minas Gerais, reached revenues of US$ 306.16 million in 2022, a growth of 14.1% compared to 2021. The cooperative’s profit reached US$ 6.36 million, 202.79% more than in the previous year. Cocatrel expanded its corn and soybean operations in the period. (Cocatrel)

Administrative Council for Economic Defense authorized the acquisition of Kimberly-Clark’s tissue paper division in Brazil by Suzano Papel e Celulose. (CADE; Suzano Papel e Celulose)

Agrogalaxy had a 64% decrease in net income, that was US$ 10.67 million in 2022. High interest rates are one of the reasons given for the performance, that made the company avoid plans for mergers and acquisitions in 2023. (Agrogalaxy)

Corn harvest for the 2022/23 season estimated at 131.34 million tonnes, a record for the country. Forecast considers positive adjustments in the summer and a small decrease for the second harvest. (StoneX Consulting)

Regional Cooperative of Coffee Growers in Guaxupé – Cooxupé will distribute more than US$ 11.09 million to its 18,000 members. Distribution comes from the surplus of the 2022 balance sheet, that reached US$ 54.90 million in the period. Cooxupé revenues reached US$ 2 billion last year. (Cooxupé)

Tereos will increase sugarcane processing by 10% during the 2023/24 season, reaching 19 million tonnes. Sugar production should reach 1.7 million tonnes, a growth of 6.25% compared to the previous season, while ethanol production is estimated at 580 million liters. (Tereos)

Exports of poultry genetic materials, including day-old chicks and fertile eggs, totaled 2,325 thousand tonnes in February, a volume 86.2% higher than in 2022. (ABPA)

Hortifrut increases revenue by 15% thanks to the increase of the global blueberries and raspberries production. Increased production in Peru, a new branch in Spain and the maturation of its fields in China boosted blueberry production, that reached sales of US$ 678 million. According to the company, the consolidation of its business of raspberries in Mexico was also essential for the increase in revenue. However, logistics, fertilizer and packaging costs hurt profit margins. (Hortifrut)

Colombia obtains Fair Trade USA certification for Hass avocados through the producing and exporting company Jardín Exotics, from Antioquia. According to Pedro Pablo Diaz, manager of Jardín Exotics, the company is the first Hass avocado exporter in the country to obtain this certification. (Jardín Exotics)

Increased imports of pork and production costs harm pig farmers. Farmers request the creation of a price regulation agency to reduce gap between the farmer’s profit and final price of the product. For five years, pig farmers have suffered increases in production costs, pressured by input prices, such as for oilseeds. An increase of 40 to 45% in production costs was recorded, compared to 2019. (União Pecuária Regional de Querétaro)

Agua Dulce region, on the border with Bolivia, currently has 600,000 hectares of crops, but has potential for expansion to 1.1 million hectares of pastures and crops in general. “In the beginning it was believed that in Agua Dulce agriculture would be developed just to feed cattle, but grain farming is growing a lot, and has a potential for more 200,000 ha. This is much more if you consider two harvests per year”, said the president of the Agua Dulce Agricultural Association, Celso Muxfeldt. (APAD)

More than 11,500 farmers have not gone yet to Peru’s National Bank to receive benefits guaranteed for those that suffered from drought. 193,000 farmers across the country have already benefited. Deadline expired on March 31st, but because of the amount of farmers who have not yet collected the benefit, date was extended until April 25th(Midagri)

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, landslides caused damages to agriculture equivalent to that of the El Niño phenomenon in 2017. In total, 16,582 hectares of crops were lost, and 33,954 hectares were partially affected across the country. (Midagri)

Farmers and ranchers in the Puno region are facing a crisis because of the drought. Most affected product was quinoa, with production losses of 90%. Drought has lasted for years, not allowing the growth of natural pastures, used for feeding cattle. Farmers are being forced to sell their animals. (Midagri)


Pesticides: New Legal Framework