High Cotton Boll Weevil Infestation May Persist in Brazil

Last modified on: November 4, 2024

“In addition to the pressure from the boll weevil, bugs can also cause significant losses…”

Suellen Drumond is the insecticide manager and cotton crop leader at Sumitomo Chemical, an agricultural engineer from the Federal University of Lavras, with an MBA from FGV.

AgriBrasilis – Is the high infestation of cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) an isolated occurrence, or is it expected to persist?

Suellen Drumond – The infestation is not isolated and can persist if there is no proper management. The drier climate and the increase in planted area have contributed to the persistence of this infestation at high levels.

The weevil can cause losses of up to 70% in production due to its high reproductive capacity and high destructive potential. Sumitomo offers effective solutions against this insect, such as the Legion product, with rapid shock action against sucking pests.

“The weevil can cause losses of up to 70% in production due to its high reproductive capacity and high destructive potential”

AgriBrasilis – Can this pest lead to a reduction in the planted area?

Suellen Drumond – We cannot say that there will be a reduction in the planted area, but there will be a loss of yield per area. In addition to the pressure from the boll weevil, bugs can also cause significant losses, directly impacting the quality of the cotton fiber.

Even so, looking at the history of Brazilian cotton farming, many regions stopped producing in the past due to the severity of the boll weevil, that is, if the pressure remains high, this may impact the farmer’s decision to continue producing or not.

AgriBrasilis – What other phytosanitary problems are important?

Suellen Drumond – In addition to the boll weevil and bugs mentioned above, ramularia (Ramulariopsis pseudoglycines) is considered the main fungal foliar disease of the cotton plant, and can cause a yield reduction of up to 70%, according to Embrapa Cotton unit.

AgriBrasilis – What practices and innovations can farmers adopt to produce higher quality cotton?

Suellen Drumond – Within Integrated Pest Management (IPM), farmers can adopt physiological management, which contributes to crop development. Another point is the importance of rotating products with different modes of action, which is crucial to avoid pest resistance.

Cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) – Source: Sumitomo Chemical

AgriBrasilis – What is the estimated sales of pesticides for the next season?

Suellen Drumond – We cannot estimate numbers yet. However, current challenges – such as the climate, for example – will require smart strategies from cotton farmers. Innovative products, with efficient combinations and molecules, are important tools to protect crops and avoid losses.

AgriBrasilis – You said that 2023 was not “as good as 2021 and 2022” for Sumitomo Chemical. Why?

Suellen Drumond – The slowdown in 2023 can be attributed to the normalization of the market after the high demand during the pandemic. However, the need for innovation in pest control solutions is more relevant than ever. We continue to invest in research and development to offer products that help mitigate these challenges faced by farmers. Our investment in R&D is 7.5% of our global revenue.

AgriBrasilis – How is it possible to innovate in a market increasingly focused on post-patent products?

Suellen Drumond – Innovation in the post-patent market is essential. Through innovation, farmers can adopt increasingly safer and more efficient molecules that protect the productive potential of crops and help preserve the environment. Sumitomo is committed to developing new formulations and strategies that combine biological and chemical solutions. We were the company responsible for developing, for example, the Pyriproxyfen molecule, the first and only active ingredient that controls all young stages of the whitefly, in addition to sterilizing adult insects.



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