Crispr-CAS9 Enhances Beauveria bassiana Fungus for More Effective Pest Control
In compliance with court decisions, Anvisa approves toxicological evaluation of glyphosate 792.5 g/kg WG from AllierBrasil; lufenurom 105 g/L SC from Pilarquim; flumioxazin 480 g/L SC from Alamos; and technical penoxsulam from Rainbow. (Anvisa)
Anvisa approves toxicological evaluation of New Microbiological Products – active ingredients not yet registered in the country, based on Bacillus licheniformis from Inflora Biociência, and Streptomyces griseoviridis from Lallemand. (Anvisa)
Ihara has signed an agreement to buy 85% of Innova, and Adriano Renato de Azeredo retaining 15%. The acquisition, approved by Cade, strengthens Ihara in the fertilizer, pesticide and seed market, while keeping Innova as a separate company, but aligned with its guidelines. (Ihara)
Research in the Tapajós and Amazonas rivers, in Santarém, in the State of Pará, found residues of 21 pesticides, including fenitrotion (78%), cypermethrin (63%) and fipronil (33%). 13 samples showed significant concentrations. The study was carried out at 27 points in an environmental protection area, and the pesticides may have been transported from other contaminated rivers. (USP)
Potash prices have risen by US$ 50/t and phosphorus by US$ 5/t, raising production costs for the 2025/26 harvest by around 1.5 bags/ha. Despite this, 50% of potash purchases have already been made. (Agrinvest Commodities)
The Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato Grosso has resumed voting on a bill that reduces the minimum distance for applying pesticides near water sources from 300 meters to 25 meters for large properties, and eliminates the requirement for small and medium-sized properties. (ALMT)
Bio-inputs market grew 15% in the 2023/2024 season, maintaining an annual average rate of 21% over the last three years, four times higher than the global average. (CropLife Brasil)
Brazilian and American scientists have used CRISPR-Cas9 technology to improve the fungus Beauveria bassiana, making it more effective in controlling agricultural pests. Genetic editing of the Bbsmr1 gene increased insect mortality by 50% in three days, without the need for transgenesis. Blastospores, the edited form of the fungus, sho wed to be 3.3 times more lethal than conidia and faster at eliminating pests. The study highlights the potential for more efficient and sustainable bioinsecticides. (Embrapa Environment)
Population of corn leafhoppers (Dalbulus maidis) continues declining in the State of Santa Catarina, with an average of 65.4 insects per trap in the State. (Epagri)
Inspectors from the Agricultural Defense Institute of Mato Grosso State and the Civil Police seized 1,980 liters of unlabeled and without origin pesticides at a grocery store in Matup&aacut e;, in the State of Mato Grosso. The owner was fined US$ 42,267, and the material was sent for safe storage. (Indea)
The State of Paraná eradicated 1.5 million greening host plants in 2024, highlighting the partnership between municipalities, private initiative and the productive sector. (Deral/Seab)
Bayer has obtained an injunction to suspend a court decision that guaranteed Brazilian soybean farmers reimbursement of royalties paid for expired patents on genetically modified Intacta RR2 PRO seeds. (Aprosoja-MT, Bayer)
Corteva has partnered with Brazilian company Simbiose to export bio-inputs to Europe, starting with a phosphorus solubilizer distributed in more than 20 countries. The product, used in Brazil since 2019 and applied to 10% of soybean, was developed with support from Embrapa. (Embrapa; Corteva)
Truck with 20,000 liters of fertilizer overturned in Santa Vitória, in the State of Minas Gerais, and leaked into the Santa Vitória stream, causing the death of fish and prompting authorities to issue a warning to the population. (Civil Defense of Santa Vitória; Municipal Department of the Environment)
State University of Londrina and the company Vitales have formalized the licensing of a biofungicide for controlling foliar diseases in soybean, corn and cotton. The product, developed at UEL’s Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory, will be registered with MAPA and launched in the 26/27 harvest. The agreement provides for royalties fo r the university and new investments in research. (UEL)
Citrus farmers in the State of Rio Grande do Sul are facing drought and pests such as CVC, mites and fruit flies, with yields expected to fall by 30%. (Emater/RS-Ascar)
Researchers from INCT NanoAgro and scientists from the USA have developed a nanoinsecticide based on zein and cyantraniliprole, able to reduce the use of pesticides against the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) in tomato plants by 90%. (INCT NanoAgro; Bayer)
Use of bio-inputs with Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens increases the productivity of brachiaria pastures by 22%, improves the absorption of N, P and K and can be applied to new or established pastures. (Embrapa; Biotrop)
MoA has authorized the export of fruits that are hosts to the carambola fly (Bactrocera carambolae), as long as they come from areas with health certification, according to Ordinance No. 776/2025. It benefits farmers in the State of Roraima, but maintains restrictions for regions with a record of the pest. Control includes inspections, monitoring and phytosanitary actions. Fruits such as mangoes, guavas and oranges can only be transported with certification from the Roraima Agricultural Defense Agency. (MAPA; Aderr)
Pioneer launches the P30001PWUE hybrid, which offers tolerance to four herbicides and protection against target caterpillars. (Corteva)
Mosaic will reduce costs to recapitalize by 2030, investing US$ 100 million. Production fell to 6.3 million tonnes in 2024, a decrease of 3 million tonens. The sale of the plant in Patos de Minas will generate savings of up to US$ 120 million in the country. (Mosaic)
Vittia recorded a net profit of US$ 8.0 million in Q4 2024 (+12.4%) and revenue of US$ 44.2 million (+5.1%). For the year, net profit dropped 22.6% to US$ 13.0 million, while revenue increased 4% to US$ 135.9 million. (Vittia)
Farmers in the Northwestern region of the State of Paraná use sewage sludge as fertilizer, reducing costs and increasing productivity. In 2024, 32,000 tonnes were distributed, benefiting 132 farmers in 59 municipalities. (Sanepar)
The cost of carbon emissions in Brazilian agriculture has been estimated at US$ 11.54/tCO₂e, with a range between US$ 2.60 and US$ 157.50/tCO₂e, depending on the use of nitrogen fertilizers. (Embrapa Territorial)
Between March 1st and 17th, 4.348 million tonnes of fertilizers were imported. The port of Paranaguá, in the State of Paraná, received 1.239 million tonnes, followed by Santos, in the State of São Paulo, with 764.2 thousand tonnes. (Williams Brasil)
MoA has created the Agricultural Emergency Operations Center to combat cassava witches’ broom (Rhizoctonia theobromae). The measure aims to strengthen collaboration between federal and state agencies and research institutions, with a focus on implementing phytosanitary actions. (MAPA)
Latin America
Latin American and Caribbean Parliament has approved the Agroecology Framework Law, based on a proposal by the FAO, to guide national legislation in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting sustainable food production systems and adaptation to climate change. The law recognizes agroecology as a science, practice and social movement, highlighting biodiversity, social participation and gender and ethnic equity, but does not include land reform or the protection of common goods. It is up to the countries to adapt it to their realities. (Parlatino; UFRGS)
SR Fertilizers has launched the world’s largest equipment for fertilizer distribution in Argentina, presented at Expoagro 2025. With a working width of 18.5 meters and a capacity of 11,000 liters, it has variable dosing, section cuts and real-time self-calibration. (Expoagro 2025; SR Fertilizers)
Argentina‘s National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) has recommended strategies against resistance to rice grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) in rice, soybean and corn crops. Studies have indicated resistance to herbicides from the FOP family, such as Cyhalofop, used in rice paddies. INTA recommends herbicide rotation, the use of cover crops and constant monitoring of crops. (INTA)
Mexico will invest US$ 875 million in the Fertilizers for Well-Being program, benefiting 2 million farmers and covering 3.3 million hectares with 986,000 tonnes of free fertilizers. (Government of Mexico)