Overview by AgriBrasilis (12/14/24 - 12/20/24)

Published on: December 19, 2024

Hailstorm in Buenos Aires Has Caused Damage to 40 Thousand Hectares of Plantations

GDP growth of 3.9% in the 3Q24, indicating economic recovery. The National Institute of Statistics and Census confirmed this was the first growth recorded since the end of 2023. The growth, from July to September of 2024, marks the end of a recession in the country that lasted 3 quarters. (Indec)

According to Gustavo Idígoras, president of the Chamber of the Oil Industry and the Center of Cereal Exporters of Argentina, this summer season, “the first cargo in history of wheat from Argentina to China will be shipped”. Shipments with wheat from Argentina to China will leave the port of Bahía Blanca, the main port terminal for winter grains. (Ciara-CEC)

Hailstorm in Buenos Aires has caused damage to 40 thousand hectares of plantations, a loss of around US$ 4 million. “It is estimated that, of these hectares, 50% represents the cultivation of soybeans, 20% corn, 10% sunflower and 20% wheat, ready for harvest”, pointed out the Sociedad Rural de 9 de Julio report. (Sociedad Rural de 9 de Julio)

Complementary Bill No. 68/2024 was approved on December 17th, regulating tax reform. In addition to providing for the unification of taxes to create the Tax on Goods and Services (IBS) and the Contribution on Goods and Services (CBS), it provides for a 60% reduction in both taxes levied on the sale of agricultural, aquaculture, fishing, forestry and extractive plant products in natura. (Chamber of Deputies)

Economic Affairs Committee of the Brazilian Senate has approved a proposal that provides for the opening of credit lines for family farmers, with a focus on soil and pasture recovery. The objective is to increase livestock farming productivity and food production, without increasing pasture areas. (Federal Senate of Brazil)

Total gross value of coffee production in Brazil, including Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, was estimated at US$ 12.18 billion for the 2024 coffee season. The data comes from the November Gross Production Value, a study prepared and published monthly by the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agricultural Policy Secretariat. Regarding the estimated revenue for Arabica coffee, the value should reach US$ 8.80 billion, or 72.25% of the total. (MAPA)

The Western Region of the State of Bahia has surpassed the State of Minas Gerais to become the largest center for irrigation by center-pivots in Brazil. In the country, 2.2 million hectares are irrigated by center-pivots, which is 14% higher than in 2022. The main cities are São Desidério, State of Bahia, with 91,687 hectares; Paracatu, State of Minas Gerais, with 88,889 hectares; among others, according to Daniel Guimarães, researcher at Embrapa’s Corn and Sorghum Unit. (Embrapa)

State of São Paulo leads Brazilian agribusiness exports, with a surplus of US$ 23.22 billion from January to November of 2024, 10% higher than the same period last year. 79.4% of exports are from the sugar-ethanol sector (40.7%), meat sector (11.4%), forestry products (10.2%), juices (9.3%) and soybean sector (7.8%). (Government of São Paulo)

The position of agricultural manager is expected to stand out among agricultural professions in 2025, which salary average is from US$ 4.065,17 to US$ 5.691,24 (PageGroup)

From January to November of 2024, the area affected by the fires reached 29.7 million hectares, an increase of 90% compared to the same period in the previous year. This is the largest area of burning in six years. The fire primarily affected areas of native vegetation (73%) and forests (25%). (MapBiomas)

Roberto Perosa is the new president of the Brazilian Beef Exporters Association. (Abiec)

Decree No. 1,969/24 has authorized an increase to US$ 2.4 billion in the amount earmarked for the BNDES working capital line for farmers and agricultural cooperatives in the State of Rio Grande do Sul affected by the floods. In total, the emergency program has US$ 3.2 billion from the Fundo Social (Social Fund). (Ministry of Finance; BNDES)

The 2024/25 soybean season is estimated at a record 170.41 million tonnes, due to an increase of 15.3% compared to the last season, which was affected by drought and floods in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Corn production is expected to reach 129.27 million tonnes. (Pátria AgroNegócios)

Central Bank decided to cut the basic interest rate by 0.25%, to 5% per year. The expectations from consumers and from companies remain pessimistic. The short-term inflation outlook has become “more challenging”, according to the BC, due to higher cost pressures. (Central Bank of Chile)

Chilean Fruit Committee projects 132 million boxes of cherries will be exported in the 2024/25 season, equivalent to 660 tonnes, a record number. “We are happy because we have a peak in November, December and January of cherry shipments, which is essential, where Asia is the main destination for the logistical work of shipping companies with the fruit sector”, said Esteban Valenzuela, Minister of Agriculture. (Minagri)

Poultry sector grew 2.8% in 2024, producing 2.9 million tonnes of eggs and chicken meat. (Fenavi)

The USA has reopened the market of live cattle imports from Mexico, after temporarily closing the border due to the detection of a case of “bugworm” in Catazajá, Chiapas. More than 90% of the cattle that transit through the south-southeast region of Mexico pass through the municipality. Mexico’s Agriculture Secretariat reported that it carried out inspections of more than 116,000 head of cattle in the region, seeking to prevent the spread of the disease. (Sader)

National Animal Health and Quality Service and the Animal Health Services Foundation have signed an agreement to strengthen livestock health and traceability systems in the country. The institutions will work on implementing the Individual Animal Identification System for Cattle in Paraguay, allowing farmers to meet the standards of international markets. (Senacsa; Fundassa)

Interpol and Paraguayan authorities have arrested 26 people allegedly involved in illegal deforestation and trafficking of native trees in the border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. “Illegal deforestation encompasses a wide spectrum of criminal activities, ranging from document forgery to money laundering and corruption”, said Kat Henn, Interpol’s Deputy Director of Environmental Security. (Interpol)

Peru could surpass US$ 30 billion per year in agricultural exports by 2040, driven by water infrastructure projects, trade agreements and the port of Chancay. “Peru will export more in agricultural products than in products from the mining sector in a few decades”, said Angel Manero, Minister of Agriculture. (Midagri)

By the end of 2024, beef slaughter is estimated to fall by 1.8% to 2.2 million head of cattle. Exports from the sector are estimated at US$ 2.6 billion, a similar value to 2023, which is above historical averages. (INAC)


Low Prices and Lack of Information Propel the Illegal Pesticides Market in Brazil