MAPA Authorizes Imidacloprid in Soybean, Maize, Cotton and Other Crops in Brazil

Published on: November 25, 2024

Act No. 55, from November 22nd, 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, which is in this act represented by the General Coordination of Pesticides and Related Products, in compliance with the sentence handed down with regard to Legal Action No. 1063042-20.2023.4.01.3400/DF, proposed by the NATIONAL UNION OF THE INDUSTRY OF PLANT DEFENSE PRODUCTS – SINDIVEG, under the terms of Executory Force Opinion No. 00942/2024/CORESPAP/PRU1R/PGU/AGU which determines that the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, as a registering body, should immediately grant equal treatment to all administrative registration processes, registration requests and registration change requests already submitted that involve the active ingredient imidacloprid, owned by companies associated with the aforementioned Union;

CONSIDERING that in the provisions of articles No. 4, V; 28 and 31 of Law No. 14785/89 and sole paragraph of Art. No. 19 of Decree 4074/02, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is responsible for coordinating the pesticide revaluation process and, at the end, it is responsible for deciding about the measures that should be applied;

CONSIDERING that, in the case of the revaluation of the active ingredient imidacloprid, the risk management measures were embodied in the already published Act No. 71, from June 29th, 2022, and rectified by Act No. 1, from January 10th, 2023, from the General Coordination of Pesticides and Related Products;

CONSIDERING the need to harmonize Notice No. 9630881 with the Act No. 71, from June 29th, 2022, it is decided that:

The products listed in table 1 are authorized for use for the respective crops listed in the same table, observing the restrictions contained in Act No. 71 from June 29th, 2022.

Brand Name Registration No. Crops that can be included
Cifão 17924 Corn, Soybean, Tomato, Wheat
Corsário 700 WG 13723 Lettuce, Cotton, Onion, Citrus, Eucalyptus, Watermelon
Cutlass, Favorito 700 WG 1510 Cotton, Citrus
Diamante BR 5212 Cotton, Beans (black beans, pinto beans), Soybean
Fencer 700 WG 15324 Pineapple, Cotton, Citrus (nursery), Tobacco, Pine (field and nursery)
Galeão 1810 Cotton, Citrus
Grandprid 24224 Cotton, Soybean
Imidacloprid Nortox 11012 Corn, Pasture
Kaiso Max 20423 Cotton, Corn, Soybean, Tomato, Wheat
Nuprid 700 WG 2909 Citrus (field and nursery), Corn, Pine, Soybean
Nuprid BR 4924 Citrus (field and nursery), Corn, Pine, Soybean
Nuprid Star 0623 Beans (black beans, pinto beans)
Nuprid 600FS 32622 Beans (black beans, pinto beans)
Ravina 30324 Cotton, Citrus (field and nursery), Eucalyptus (seedlings), Forage palm
Taus 27624 Cotton, Citrus (nursery), Eucalyptus (field and nursery), Watermelon, Pine (field and nursery)


ACT NO. 55, FROM NOVEMBER 22nd, 2024 (PDF)