“Delays are occurring in the acquisition of inputs in general, also impacting the special fertilizers market…”
Ithamar Prada is the vice president of marketing and innovation at ICL South America, with a degree in agronomy from Esalq/USP and a M.Sc. in soil science from the Federal University of Uberlândia.

Ithamar Prada, vice president of marketing and innovation at ICL South America
AgriBrasilis – Why is there a delay in the purchase of fertilizers?
Ithamar Prada – The agricultural inputs market in 2024 began with delays because farmers were focused on grain sales and were waiting for improvements in terms of trade. However, the market began to advance, mainly due to the approaching agricultural season and the need to use technology to obtain high yields and profitability. The sector is aware of Brazil’s logistical challenges and delays in sales may impact the delivery of inputs.
AgriBrasilis – How does this affect the special fertilizers market?
Ithamar Prada – Delays are occurring in the acquisition of inputs in general, also impacting the market for special fertilizers. But Brazilian farmers and consultants are aware of the results of using special fertilizers on crop performance and are beginning to heat up the market to ensure access to technologies for the new agricultural season.
“The sector is aware of Brazil’s logistical challenges and delays in sales may impact the delivery of inputs”
AgriBrasilis – What is your perception about the increase in judicial reorganization cases in the Brazilian agricultural sector?
Ithamar Prada – Agribusiness depends on credit to finance the season and [the State’s] rural credit is insufficient to meet all this demand, with much of this resource coming from private banks and the industry. The increase in judicial reorganization cases increases the insecurity in the supply of credit, which can increase costs for most farmers, so I view this process with a lot of caution.
AgriBrasilis – How is the agricultural inputs industry impacted by this?
Ithamar Prada – The inputs industry and the entire sector are impacted because it harms the level of confidence and it changes the way credit is granted.
AgriBrasilis – After the purchase of Nitro 1000 by ICL, are there plans for more acquisitions?
Ithamar Prada – ICL is always aware of how the market changes and carefully analyzes its opportunities. We have growth plans focused on the bioinputs market and, in addition to growth in technologies already present in Nitro 1000, as well as internal R&D work and partnerships, we evaluate the possibility of acquisitions that can complement our skills and technologies.
AgriBrasilis – Why is the company focusing on biological fertilizers?
Ithamar Prada – Bioinputs play a fundamental role in modern agriculture, combining excellent results in the farms with sustainability and financial returns for farmers. We understand that bioinputs complement and strengthen our portfolio to farmers and business partners.
There is a direct relationship between soil fertility and soil microbiology, as well as plant nutrition with physiology and health. Just as there is for humans, there is also this correlation for plants. Another important aspect is that the technical profile of our team is the same as that required to provide quality service in bioinputs.
AgriBrasilis – How to innovate assertively in the plant nutrition market?
Ithamar Prada – To innovate, it is essential to have well-established processes throughout the innovation cycle, from the creation of the idea to the development of agronomic experimentation. Innovation is a value at ICL that is practiced on a daily basis, involving people from various departments of the company and external partners. It is essential to have a connection with the market, understanding the problems inside the farms. In the same way, it is important to understand and respect science and experimentation criteria. It is a very satisfying process, but it requires structure, qualified professionals, time, energy and money.
AgriBrasilis – What are the main demands of farmers?
Ithamar Prada – Farmers’ main demands are for technologies that increase yields, production stability and efficiency, both economic and operational. Additionally, the demand for technologies that promote sustainability in the production chain has grown.