Overview by AgriBrasilis (06/03– 06/09)

Notícias América Latina /News on Latin American agribusiness sobre o agronegócio
Published on: June 9, 2023

70 thousand tonnes of Brazilian beef are stuck in Chinese ports

2023/24 harvest projection shows that the wheat/soybean rotation system is more cost-effective to farmers, with corn farming during the off-season. Soybean farming during the off-season is the least profitable option for farmers. (Matba-Rofex consultancy)

Condition of corn crops is critical, and is leading to a sharp increase in production for animal feed. (Geoglam)

70 thousand tonnes of Brazilian beef are stuck in Chinese ports. Cargos were shipped during the embargo declared because of the atypical case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy that occurred in February of 2023. “Wrong or not, we have the Atlantic Ocean full of Brazilian containers with meat. I had to pick up the phone and call President Xi Jinping”, said President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, during the opening ceremony of the Bahia Farm Show. (Ministry of Agriculture; Bahia Farm Show)

Federal Supreme Court resumed the trial of the timeframe of indigenous lands on June 7th. Court’s analysis began in 2021, but was interrupted by the minister Alexandre de Moraes after requesting a longer period of analysis. The Lower House of the National Congress (Chamber of Deputies) approved the text by 283 votes in favor and 155 against on May 30th. (STF)

Bayer requested CTNBio for the commercial approval of MON 94637 soybean, a GMO variety resistant to caterpillars. Request includes use for human and animal feed. (Bayer)

Predominance of dry weather and low humidity in the western regions of the State of Minas Gerais, Federal District and northeast of the State of Goiás affects corn and wheat farms. (Conab)

Research performed by Embrapa and the Federal University of Santa Maria concludes that wheat is able to sequester more carbon than it emits into the atmosphere. According to the researchers, during the production cycle, wheat absorbed 7,540 kg of CO2/ha from the atmosphere. (Embrapa; UFSM)

Government announces an extraordinary credit of US$ 40.73 million to fight against avian influenza. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, “the actions to control and contain the disease will be intensified”. So far, cases of avian influenza have only been confirmed in wild birds, in four Brazilian states. A state of zoosanitary emergency is in force in the country. (MAPA)

Domestic corn consumption in the State of Mato Grosso should grow by almost 21%. (IMEA)

“India can be a new China, if the market challenges are overcome,” said Claudia Soler, manager of the Cherries Committee, regarding exports of cherries from Chile. India receives only 0.1% of Chilean cherries, but this market is growing by 30% per year. According to Soler, the main challenge for increasing the share of Chilean cherries in the country is logistics. There is no optimized sea route, and air routes mean high freight costs. (Asoex)

Palm industry estimates annual production of 345,000 tonnes of high-oleic palm oil. There are 99,252 hectares with palm in the country. According to Nicolás Pérez Marulanda, executive president of Fedepalma, the sector’s biggest challenge is the differentiation and positioning of the different segments in the market. “We must stop seeing palm oil with high oleic content as a product equal to conventional palm oil”, said Marulanda. (Fedepalma)

USA requested dispute settlement consultations with Mexico under the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Decision involves measures taken by the Mexican government related to the ban on GMO corn. “This is the next step in the process before moving to a full dispute panel, where arbitrators on each side will decide the final outcome,” said Ryan LeGrand, president of the US Grains Council. Period for the consultation of the dispute resolution is 75 days. (USGC)

38% decrease in volume and 34% in value of tangerine exports during the first four months of 2023.There was a significant delay in the start of the fruit harvest in the country, because of high temperatures. According to César Pescheira, president of Procitrus, the average temperature was at least two degrees above normal in the south of the country, and this affected the ripening of fruits. (Procitrus)


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