Act of approval of toxicological evaluation for pesticide registration purposes - Resolution No. 2969 from 09/09/2022 – published in 09/12/2022

Act of approval of toxicological evaluation for pesticide registration purposes

Resolution No. 2969 from 09/09/2022 – published in 09/12/2022

Registrant Brand name Type Note Product
BASF TONAC MEFENTRIFLUCONAZOLE New formulated product – active ingredient not registered in the country yet Tox clas category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Mefentrifluconazole
MASSEN SHOCKER-G Microbiological product – active ingredient already registered in the country Tox clas category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain CPQBA 040-11DRM 01 + Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain CPQBA 040-11DRM 04 + Trichoderma harzianum strain CPQBA 040-11DRM 09
OLIGOS OLIGOS 4 T Phytosanitary product approved for organic agriculture – based on reference specification Tox clas category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Trichoderma harzianum, isolate IBLF 1278 + Trichoderma harzianum, isolate IBLF 1282 + Trichoderma viride, isolate IBLF 1275 + Trichoderma viride, isolate IBLF 1276
PROPHYTO SLT 03 Phytosanitary product approved for organic agriculture – based on reference specification Tox clas category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Metarhizium anisopliae, IBCB 425
PROPHYTO SLT 04 Phytosanitary product approved for organic agriculture – based on reference specification Tox clas category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Beauveria bassiana, isolado IBCB 66
SYNCROS FASTER Fomulated product – active ingredient already registered in the country Tox clas category I – Extremely toxic Aluminium phosphide
SYNCROS PHOSAL Fomulated product – active ingredient already registered in the country Tox clas category I – Extremely toxic Aluminium phosphide
SYNGENTA ALTO ELITE Fomulated product – active ingredient already registered in the country Tox clas category 4 – Slightly toxic Cyproconazole
SYNGENTA CURANZA MAXX Fomulated product – active ingredient already registered in the country Tox clas category 5 – Unlikely to cause acute damage Cyantraniliprole + fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M + thiamethoxam