Overview by AgriBrasilis (August 14th - 20th)

Notícias América Latina /News on Latin American agribusiness sobre o agronegócio
Last modified on: August 19, 2022

News about Agribusiness in Latin American

Annual inflation rate reaches 71%, a record level for the last 30 years. An increase in utility tariffs and further currency devaluation is expected, that could drive inflation to more than 100%. (Central Bank of Argentina)

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries allocates US$ 14 million to control Lobesia botrana pest, vine moth, one of the main pests that affect wine production chain. (MAGyP)

Shaanxi Coal Group, from China, will invest US$ 1.25 billion to built a fertilizer factory in Tierra del Fuego. The Group committed to invest in the development of a project with annual capacity of 600 thousand tonnes of synthetic ammonia and 900 thousand tonnes of urea. (Shaanxi Coal Group)

Soybean planted area may reach 16.8 million hectares. 700 thousand hectares more than in the previous year. (Rosario Stock Exchange)

Bioethanol consumption record is expected in 2022, reaching 1.1 billion L. An increase of 10% compared to previous year. (USDA)

Rice exports in July hit the highest level in two years. Total shipped amount was 207,170 tonnes, an increase of almost 60% compared to the same period of 2021. Senegal, Mexico and Venezuela were the main destinations of exports. (Secretary of Foreign Trade)

Researchers sequenced genome of the coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella). Pest is responsible for compromising grain quality and generating losses between 30% and 70% of production. (Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology)

Agropalma will resume biodiesel production in Pará State in 2023. Company has initiated the work to reactivate the industrial site. Operation was discontinued in 2010 because the miller site used only palm fatty acid for production, that was not viable financially. (Agropalma)

Estimated Gross Production Value for 2022 reaches US$ 244 billion. Crops that presented best performance are cotton, banana, potato and coffee. While crops were boosted by high prices, livestock showed a retraction of 5.5%. (IBGE; Conab)

Agribusiness exports from the State of Rio Grande do Sul recorded a drop of 26% in the 2Q of 2022, when compared to previous year, totaling US$ 3.5 billion. Soybean complex was the main responsible for reduction, having fallen by 62% compared to 2021. (Planning, Governance and Management Department)

European Union representatives seek to move forward negotiations regarding the agreement with Mercosur through Itamaraty and the Ministry of Economy of Brazil. Environmental demands are one of the main topics of negotiation. Next meeting is scheduled to take place until the end of September. European Union Ambassador to Brazil, Ignacio Ybáñez, said that trade agreement will support sustainable trade with the both parties. (National Confederation of Industry)

Total of 905 thousand tonnes of food of animal origin unfit for human consumption was prevented from entering Brazil through Foz do Iguassu. Products from Argentina (765,000 tonnes) and Paraguay (140,000 tonnes) and were returned back to the origin because of document and labeling irregularities, in addition to contamination by parasites and microorganisms. (National Union of Agricultural Federal Tax Auditors)

Allowed import of Colombian Hass avocado after almost eight years of negotiations between health authorities and farmers. It will only be allowed avocados from six farms in Antioquia, five in Sonsón and one in Urrao. Authorized ten packaging sites located in Risaralda, Quindío, Antioquia and Valle del Cauca. Initial import will be 23 tonnes, authorized through a phytosanitary export certificate. (Agricultural and Livestock Service)

Bill aims to prohibit progressively maritime export of live animals for consumption. The objective is “to eradicate extreme and unnecessary suffering caused to animals exported alive”. President of the National Federation of Cattlemen, José Lafaurie, claims that prohibition would affect negatively 350,000 farming families. In the first half of 2022, live cattle exports contributed US$ 198.6 million to the country. (Fedegan)

Marine bacteria have the potential to control Fusarium oxysporum, a fungus that attacks tomato farms. Universidad Nacional de Colombia research finds inhibitory metabolites of fungi generated by the bacterium Paenibacillus sp., found in coral reefs in the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. (UNAL)

Urabá region reaches average of palm farming yield three times higher than the national average, reaching 40 tonnes/hectare/year. Farmers in the region use hybrid genetic material, result of the cross between African and American palm trees. (Fedepalma)

Almost 6,000 bags of urea subsidized by the government were delivered. Through MAG, the government pays 50% of the value of the fertilizer bag and the other half is paid by the farmer. (MAG)

Estimated production of 65 thousand tonnes of honey in 2022, that represents an increase of 5.8% compared to previous year. Product will be exported to 33 countries. (Secretary of Agriculture)

Banana farmers will receive US$ 2,976 per hectare to purchase chemical fertilizers in Colima, as part of the Strategic Project for the Recovery of the Productive Capacity of Banana Farms. (Secretary of Agriculture)

Since October 2021, wheat exports were the lowest amount in five years, reaching 289,000 tonnes, a decrease of almost 55 thousand tonnes compared to the previous year. International price increase allowed  increase in revenues. Brazil imports 98% of Paraguayan wheat. (Capeco)

Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation announces emergency decree called “Fertibono”, with the investment of US$ 36 million in bonuses to aid farmers with areas of less than five hectares with prioritized crops (rice, corn, coffee and potatoes), while they wait the arrival of imported urea. (Midagri)

Alert for possible occurrence of alfalfa fleas (Sminthurus viridis) in pastures, mainly in leguminous crops. The insect was detected in properties of the National Institute of Agricultural Research in the last 30 days. Farmers must adopt preventative control measures. Fleas cause physical damage to leaves by feeding on leaf parenchyma. Fresh planted pastures are the most affected. (INIA)


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