Overview by AgriBrasilis (May 29th - July 4th)

Notícias América Latina /News on Latin American agribusiness sobre o agronegócio
Published on: June 3, 2022

News on the Latin American Agribusiness

  • Approximately 47% of corn are has already been harvested, with an anticipation of 3 percentage points compared to the previous season. (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
  • Driven by FAO, Argentina selects honey as a special agricultural good for the global market. The objective is to improve production, increase environmental sustainability and intensify the added value of the product. (FAO)
  • Sugar cooperative ACOR reduces beet cultivation area to 7,000 hectares due to the increase of fertilizer prices, energy and water limitation. (ACOR)
  • Agricultural contribution to GDP increased from 24.1% to 25.6% in one year. (FAIRY)

  • Country should start producing NPK fertilizers, with an initial investment of US$ 4.8 million. (Globalfert)

  • Ministry of Agriculture defines criteria for prioritizing pesticide registration, benefiting registrations whose products are manufactured/formulated locally. (Mapa)
  • Abimapi goes back and takes a stand in favor of the use of flour from GMO wheat from the Argentine variety HB4. The change comes after a survey that showed that 72% of consumers do not have restrictions on the consumption of genetically modified wheat. (Abimapi)
  • State of Mato Grosso has a deficit in grain storage. One of the main causes is the delay of soybeans and corn commercialization, leading to a greater volume of stored grains. (Conab)
  • Agri freight has an increase of 35% in volume, being 23% of fertilizers, 13% of soybeans and 13% of corn, moving about US$ 1.4 billion. (Fretebras)
  • Agricultural exports from the state of São Paulo grew 26% in the 1Q of 2022, totaling US$7.3 billion. Exports correspond to 15% of the sector. (IEA-APTA)
  • Half of the wheat area in the state of Paraná has already been sown, with a reduction of 10% in the planted area, due to the planting of corn. (DERAL)
  • Minister of Agriculture defends Safra Plan 022/23 of at least US$ 65 billion, 22.4% higher than the previous Safra Plan. The presented justification is that the prices of all inputs have risen. (Mapa)
  • Drought impacted citriculture in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The fruits are small in size, however, the amount of fruit should be equivalent to or slightly higher than in the past harvest. (Seapdr)
  • Paraguay is an alternative for corn supply to deal with high prices. Brazil shall import around 3.5 million tonnes from the neighbor country. (DasAgro)
  • Soybean harvest should reach 124.4 million tonnes. Even so, there is a decrease of 8% in compared to the previous season. This reduction in productivity is mainly due to the dry period at the beginning of the harvest. (StoneX)

  • Chilean farmers receive funds due to water emergency through the Planting Plan for Chile. (INDAP)

  • Productive Integration Agreement signed with Ecuador. Meeting addressed market access, sustainable fisheries and institutional issues. (Ministry of Economy)
  • Initiated imports of rice, beans and meat from Argentina to avoid food supply crisis. Mexico will also seek to agree on health protocols for citrus fruits, apples and soybean. (Sader)

  • New varieties of GMO corn seeds are presented in Alto Paraná. The intention is to increase national production and reduce dependence on import on grains. (MAG)

  • Egg production shall fall 5% due to higher input prices. According to the Peruvian Avian Association, it is not possible to say whether the price of eggs will also rise. (APA)
  • Country becomes the largest potato producer in Latin America, with production of 5.7 tonnes in 2021. (Midalgri)
  • Piura, a city in the north of the country, will receive 25 thousand tonnes of urea to cover the needs of farmers affected by high input prices and low food production. (Agricultural)

  • The use of estradiol in livestock remains prohibited until September 2022, as per request of the European Union. (Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries)

  • Total imports of food and agricultural inputs increased to US$ 2.4 billion in 2021, 31% more than the previous year. (VENANCHAM)



Overview by AgriBrasilis (May 22nd to 28th)