Overview By AgriBrasilis (March 6th - 12th)

Published on: March 11, 2022

Argentina’s corn prices have increased significantly. In March, it was quoted at US$ 347/tonne. (UpRiver)

Expoagro takes place this week in San Nicolás, province of Buenos Aires, with more than 600 exhibitors. The event is estimated to generate business in the order of US$ 1.3 billion. (Exponenciar)

Cryptocurrency is used to finance soybean, corn and wheat harvest. Loan occurs with the producer receiving an agrotoken for each tonne of grain sold and delivered. (Agrotoken)

Soybean exports grew 260% in first two months of the year. Recorded increase of 50% in shipments of bran and 80% in soybean oil, compared to the previous year. (Secretary of Foreign Trade)

Embrapa researchers and technicians announce visits to about 30 agricultural centers in the country to teach how to increase efficiency of the use of fertilizers and other agricultural inputs. Their objective is to reduce dependency on imports and lower production costs. (Embrapa)

Pre-harvest had better results regarding monitoring and control of the cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) in the state of Mato Grosso since 2012. Actions to solve the problem are the mobilization of teams to monitor traps on rural properties and the availability of a body of researchers dedicated to pest control. (Mato Grosso Cotton Institute)

Administrative Council for Economic Defense approves without restrictions the purchase of 33.3% equity interest in Sinagro Produtos Agropecuários S.A. by Bunge. (Official Gazette of Brazil)

Pesquisa Safra Cafeeira 2021/2022 shows that coffee farms will still suffer in 2022 due to impacts from frosts and droughts. The state of Minas Gerais is the most affected. Price of coffee grain starts March at a low point across the country. (CNA; Café Point; Cepea)

Total beef exports (in natura and processed) in February showed growth of 47% in volume and 77% in foreign exchange earnings, compared to the previous year. 182,341 tonnes were moved, a new record for the month. Revenue was US$ 975.8 million. (Abrafrigo)

Brazilian potassium reserves can supply agricultural production until the year 2100. Two-thirds of the reserves are in the states of Sergipe, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, while about 11% are on unapproved indigenous lands. Currently, 50% of potassium imports come from Russia and Belarus. (UFMG)

Vaccination phases against foot-and-mouth disease are reversed to ensure vaccine supply. The first stage, in May, will be aimed at cattle and buffaloes up to 24 months old. In November, animals of all ages will be vaccinated. Properties in compliance with the measure will be able to move their animals normally. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Rice market in the state of Rio Grande do Sul had a strong increase in February. The paddy rice indicator CEPEA/IRGA-RS rose 13% in the first half of the month. (Cepea)

Researchers in Ñuble region are looking for sustainable solutions for planting rice in a minimal tillage system, with the use of less water. Measure seeks to allow adaptation to climate change without compromising production. (INIA)

Imported 11,436 tonnes of beef from Brazil during the months of January and February. (Abrafrigo)

More than 287,000 farmers benefit from credits granted so that there is no shortage of basic inputs and can invest in technologies that increase food production. (Cuban Agricultural Development Bank)

Banana growers propose to the government the creation of a contingency fund by withholding US$ 0.05 per box to minimize damages caused by war between Russia and Ukraine. (Fenabe)

Financing initiative for banana growers is recognized by the government. Project aims to make available US$ 190 million to increase fruit production for national consumption and export. (Secretary of Agriculture)

Sorghum and strawberry were cultivations most affected in the first three months of the year by cotton aphid, red spider mite, and the new Asian pest Drosophila suzuki, in the city of Irapuato. It is estimated that more than 5,000 hectares of crops had losses. (Comisariado Ejidal de la Estancia El Copal )

National Supreme Court of Justice ratifies Monsanto’s ban on releasing genetically modified cotton into the environment in an experimental phase. (SCJN)

Female farmers contribute with 50% of food production, even though they only own a quarter of the land. (Mexico Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Planting of genetically modified corn was prohibited in support of the anti-transgenic movement. Only the import is maintained. (Supreme Court of Mexico)

Measures were launched to combat the drought: granting credit to farmers, refinancing debts, deferring maturities, and acquisition of seeds for small producers. (Ministry of Agriculture)

To strengthen sheep farming, Ministry of Agriculture will finance the training of about 900 farmers. (APCO)

Reforestation of 555 hectares of land degraded by illicit crops has started. The first stage of the project also approved the construction of 5 nurseries for the production of tropical eucalyptus, mahogany, pine seedlings, among others. (Devida)

Dollarization of prices in the primary sector boosts the best sugar cane harvest in 4 years. (Capca)