Overview by AgriBrasilis (December 26th - January 1st)

Published on: December 31, 2021

36.3 million tons of soybean were sold in the 2020/2021 season, less than the 37 million in the previous season (Ministry of Agriculture)

Alert issued about the presence of the yellow sorghum aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) in the Northwest and Northeast of the country. The pest affects sorghum and spreads in different areas of the provinces of Chaco, Formosa and Santiago del Estero. (National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina)

Inflation of agrochemical prices decreases purchasing power of farmers, mainly affecting smaller ones, who were unable to purchase inputs in advance. Highlight for the scarcity of glyphosate. (Business Chamber of Agrochemicals, Seeds and Related Distributors of Buenos Aires)


Budget allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture will exceed US$ 2.72 billion in 2022. US$ 180 million is also foreseen for the Subsidy Program for the Rural Insurance Premium. (Brazilian National Congress)

Minerva forms a joint venture with Amyris to develop molecules for sustainable production and distribution of animal protein. The company’s investment was US$ 5 million, representing 60% of the joint venture’s total capital. The two companies are trying to develop a protein production matrix through fermentation (Minerva)

Production costs of milk production chain increased by 34.5% between October 2020 and October 2021. The increase mainly affected concentrated feed items, purchase and production of forages and fuel, among others. The average of real prices to farmers in 2021 is US$0.43/liter. ( Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – Embrapa )

Another Marfrig unit is authorized to export beef to the United States, after sanitary inspection. The plant in the city of Mineiros, State of Goiás, is the company’s eighth unit authorized to export to the country. (Marfrig)

Excessive rainfall in Bahia affects 72 cities and leaves 58 in a state of emergency. Biggest impact on agriculture has been the impossibility of entering fields for the application of pesticides and fertilizers, in addition to the possible poor development of plant roots. (Federation of Agriculture of Bahia)

Working Group on Methane Mitigation in Brazilian Agriculture created. The objective is to evaluate scenarios and technologies and propose strategies to reduce methane emissions, following the commitment to reduce emissions by 30%, which was signed by the country at the last UN Climate Conference. (Ministry of Agriculture)

Coffee production totaled US$ 7.3 billion in revenues in 2021. Gross Production Value (GBP) of Arabica coffee, which reached US$ 5.6 billion, corresponded to 76.7% of the total. Conilon coffee, with estimated revenue of US$ 1.7 billion, represented 23.3%. 25.7% drop in coffee production compared to last year, totaling 46.87 million 60 kg bags produced in an area of 1.8 million hectares. (Brazilian Consortium for Coffee Research and Development)

Farmers can register with Siafro, or the Rondonia Pesticides Trade Inspection System, to purchase pesticides. Thus, the purchase of inputs in the State can happen digitally in 2022. The aim is to facilitate inspection and prevent fraud. (Agrosilvopastoral Health Defense Agency of the State of Rondônia – Idaron)

I+D de Vinos de Chile ” consortium is formed by 79 vineyards that together represent more than 80% of production and exports of bottled wine, with the objective of developing long-term lines of research and development, focused on the needs of the wine sector (Institute of Agricultural Research)

Cherry was the main fresh fruit exported between January and May 2021, totaling 266,000 tons, or US$ 1,362 million (FOB), representing an increase of 83% in volume and 43% in value, when compared to the same period last year. China was the main destination, concentrating 92% of the total value of shipments. (Workshop on Agrarian Studies and Policies)


Palm oil production grew 9% in 2021, reaching 1.7 million tons. Average monthly production was 147 thousand tons, while in 2020 it reached only 130 thousand. (Colombian National Federation of Palm Oil Growers)

National milk production increased by 8% between January and September 2021, while prices increased by 10% (Ministry of Agriculture)


Avocado yield in Jalisco doubled in just six years. Between 2015 and 2020, the yield increased from 119 thousand tons to 248,000. State becomes the second largest grower of avocado in the country. (Agrifood and Fisheries Service of the Federal Government)

Presence of cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) decreases 78% in Tamaulipas and Texas. In 2021, the Binational Program for Combating the cotton boll weevil focused on strengthening preventive actions for capture and aerial fumigation. Technicians from the National Health, Safety and Food Quality Service detected this year 10,771 insects in 11,714 hectares, in which 5,865 traps were installed, which are checked an average of 3.2 times a month. In the same period of 2020, captures totaled almost 30,000, in 8,836 hectares. (Senasica)



Only 30% of the expected rainfall for the period between November and December was recorded, in the Region of Canindeyú. In the Alto Paraná region there were no rains for 29 consecutive days, which is considered a long period. Drought hits farmers of horticulture, beans, cassava, onions and sesame seeds more severely. (Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology)

Beginning of first stage of registration of requests for granting of economic subsidies to more than 300,000 small farmers, who purchased fertilizers with a government subsidy during the 2021-2022 harvest through the SEFEagro application. Farmers with areas between 2 and 10 hectares will benefit. (Ministry of Agriculture)

High risk of forest fires, especially in the Rocha region, due to intense drought and high temperatures. Forecast for 2022 is a summer with a rainfall level well below the historical average standards, due to the weather phenomenon “La Ninã” (MetSul Meteorology)