National Agricultural Portfolio approved 2 more projects totaling US$16,853 through the Aquaculture Technical Advisory Commission. (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
Agribusiness exports hit record in September totaling US$ 10.1 billion. Highlight to soy and meat complexes in the month, with an increase of US$ 1.91 billion. (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply)
Egg exports grew 137.7% in 2021 and totaled 7,329 thousand tons between January and September. (Brazilian Association of Animal Protein, ABPA)
Colombia and Brazil join efforts to work on agricultural production, sustainability of the agricultural sector and competitive development. The ministers of agriculture signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
Colombia ranked 52nd on the global food security score among 113 countries evaluated according to the most recent Global Food Security Index 2021 (GFSI) report. (Agribusiness)
With 17 destinations, Cape Gooseberry exports grew 18% between January and July 2021, totaling US$ 23.6 million. (Agribusiness)
Sugar prices are 17% lower than in 2020. Prices from October 1st to 8th are $15,654 per ton of standard sugar, against $19,000 the year before. (Inforural)
General Government Policy for 2021 to 2026 lays the foundations for the Second Inclusive Agrarian Reform. Welfare and social protection will be generated with food security and economic reactivation and productive activities with agricultural and rural development (MIDAGRI)
Vale Sagrado consolidates itself as the main producer of giant corn. This year, 600.30 tons of giant corn from Cusco have already been exported, which is recognized for its excellent size and grain quality, unique in the world. (Midagri)
Association of Rice Producers released a survey of rice planting 21/22, which from October 19th should continue to increase, having already reached 44%. Value well below, however, the 65% of last year’s time. (ACA)
Export of bone-in sheep meat to the US from lambs produced in highly biosafety enclosures will grow considerably in 2021. Around 25,000 lambs have already been slaughtered and exported to the US. (AllField)