“… biological products will be the rule and chemicals an exception …”
Douglas Gomes is the innovation manager at Biotrop. Gomes is graduated in biology and has a PHD in Genetics by the Federal University of Paraná.

Douglas Gomes, innovation manager at Biotrop.
AgriBrasilis – Can the drought and excess of rain influence the efficacy of biological products?
Douglas Gomes – Every time we think about agricultural products, whether chemical or biological, we should pay attention to the environmental conditions that they are applied to. This means that extreme stress situations not only harm the biological, but the entire system, including the cultivated plants. In contrast, when pesticides are applied according to the technical recommendations, the biologicals represent an important role in helping plants to overcome unfavorable conditions, including droughts. With this objective, we studied different microorganisms and found three species with complementary mechanisms of action, which protect plants in limited water conditions, maintaining high yields in areas that went through periods of water scarcity during their cycle. This is a great example of how biologicals are revolutionizing agricultural management.
AgriBrasilis – Does the lack of agricultural inputs also affect biological products?
Douglas Gomes – Unlike what we have seen with chemical products, with scarcity and high cost of these inputs, the scenario for bio-inputs is different. We have autonomy in the production of biological products and we use national raw materials of good quality. Driven mainly by the performance of its products, Biotrop’s growth in recent years has been above average, reflecting the wide adoption of biologicals in agriculture. This autonomy in the supply of biological products greatly reflects on the client’s daily life, in its planning and in the agronomic performance and farming yield.
AgriBrasilis – What are the expectations for the market of biological products in Brazil?
Douglas Gomes – The expectation is not modest. We believe that there might be an inversion of values in agriculture, a revolution, where biologicals will be the rule and chemicals the exception. In order for this to happen, it is essential to invest in innovative and exclusive solutions that meet the main requirements for the success of a bio-input, with emphasis on quality, stability, shelf life, efficiency and return on investment.
AgriBrasilis – What are Biotrop’s plans for the market in the future?
Douglas Gomes – Biotrop offers to the market a complete portfolio of innovative biological and natural solutions that are compatible with regenerative and sustainable agriculture. We have in mind that there are many challenges in agribusiness, emphasizing the change in climate, and we have available complete technologies with various mechanisms of action. Quality biological products with superior performance are our priority. We know the potential of our biological activities, which allow us to better position these technologies. We have a multidisciplinary team capable of offering the support that our clients deserve. These are some differentials in Biotrop, a company that makes available to the market practical solutions when it comes to attending the yearnings of contemporary agriculture.