Published on: February 15, 2022
- Military Police closes clandestine pesticide laboratory in Ribeirão Preto, SP. 3,834 L of fake products, boxes and seals used to make and store counterfeit substances were seized (Military Police of SP).
- Brazilian Soybean Producers Association requested emergencial use ofherbicides diquat and paraquat for soybean desiccation. (Aprosoja).
- Mato-Grossense Institute of Agricultural Economics estimates an increase of almost 60% in production costs for the next season due to the high price of agricultural pesticides and seeds. (Imea)
- Embrapa and Abapa launch technology that sends alerts of diseases in soybean and cotton. It is a digital system that sends cell phone alerts of the spread of cotton ramularia and soyberan Asian rust in Western Bahia (Embrapa).
- Fertilizer imports reached a record level last year, totaling 41.6 million tonnes between January and December 2021. (Conab)
- Consumption of performance fertilizers grows 20% in 2021, leading Brazil to another record grain harvest. Conab estimates an increase of 14.2%, compared to the volume in the previous cycle, which, if confirmed, to 288.61 million tons. (Conab)
- Institute of Agricultural Defense of the State of Mato Grosso authorizes 22 more pesticides, expands the use of another 17 and updates registration of 83 products. Among them there are herbicides,
insecticides, nematicides and growth regulators. (Indea)
- Stockton-Agrimor do Brasil Ltda, transfers pesticide registration line including formulated products Imidacloprid WG, Methoxyfenozide WG, among others, to Globachem Proteção de Cultivos do Brasil Ltda. (MAPA)
- IBAMA returns, starting February 1st., evaluations of pesticide registration processes that were awaiting environmental reassessment definition. (IBAMA)