Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil Approved 328 Pesticide Registrations in 2024

“With less than 4 months to go until the end of the year, the Ministry of Agriculture approved 328 pesticide registrations in 2024…”

Flávio Hirata, agronomist from ESALQ-USP, is specialist in pesticide registration and partner at AllierBrasil.

AllierBrasil is a consulting firm in the agribusiness, with focus in pesticide registration and promoting the agro.

Since 2017, the number of approved pesticide registrations has surpassed the 400 mark, reaching the record in 2022, with 652 approvals.

With less than 4 months to go until the end of the year, the Ministry of Agriculture approved 328 pesticide registrations in 2024, of which 38 were biological products (12%), 182 chemical formulated products (55%) and 108 technical products (33%).

Pesticide Registrations Approvals per Type of Product

Sources: Official Gazette; Ministry of Agriculture, adapted by AllierBrasil.

The majority of approved chemical formulated products are based on equivalent technical products, also known as “generic”. Generic products are the driving force behind the number of companies operating in or trying to gain access to the Brazilian pesticide market. Highlights to products from China and India, which are the main suppliers of generic products, stand out.

Seven companies accounted for 36% of approved registrations, with AllierBrasil standing out with 9% of approvals (23), Sumitomo Chemical, 7% (19), Rainbow, 5% (13) and Adama, 5% (12).

Chemical Formulated Product Registrations per Company

Sources: Official Gazette; Ministry of Agriculture, adapted by AllierBrasil.

Compared to the 2023 data, practically the same companies hold the highest number of registration approvals for chemical formulated products, with the exception of Sumitomo Chemical and Bayer.

Rank of Registration Approvals per Company

(chemical formulated product)

2023 versus 2024

Company 2023 2024 (until Sep/10/2-24)
AllierBrasil 36 (13%) 23 (9%)
Sumitomo Chemical 7 (3%) 19 (7%)
Rainbow 29 (11%) 13 (5%)
Adama 21 (8%) 12 (5%)
Nortox 38 (14%) 11 (4%)
Cropchem 21 (8%) 7 (3%)
Bayer 5 (2%) 7 (3%)
Total 275 (100%) 182 (100%)

As far as biological products are concerned, registration approvals are fairly widespread among companies in the sector.

Biological Pesticide Registration Approvals per Company

Sources: Official Gazette; Ministry of Agriculture, adapted by AllierBrasil.

Even with this high number of approved registrations, it is important to note that many of the approved products are no longer in the same demand as when they were first applied for. This is due to the fact that the time it takes to approve a chemical pesticide registration is extremely long. Unlike what happens with the registration of biological products, whose evaluations are prioritized and the time for approval generally does not exceed 12 months.

To finalized, product registration alone does not guarantee business success. But it is certainly the key to accessing the largest agrochemical market in the world.

This is one of the subjects to be addressed by the author in the Forum AllierBrasil in Nanjing and New Delhi, on Novmber 7th and 13th, respectively.

AllierBrasil is the organizer of Brasil AgrochemShow and Forum AllierBrasil (Osaka, New Delhi, Nanjing, São Paulo)




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