Bayer will invest US$ 12.3 million to expand production of agricultural inputs in Colombia

Taxes on agricultural income reaches 61.4% for the average of soybean, corn, wheat and sunflower crops in October 2022. For every US$100 of income (production minus costs) made in an agricultural hectare, US$ 61.4 are intended for the State. The indicator is traditionally released in September, but to avoid distortions created by the “soybean dollar”, it was decided to postpone the publication until October. (Agricultural Foundation for Development of Argentina)
País é habilitado para exportar carne desossada de espécie bovina, ovinos, caprinos e suínos refrigerados ou congelados para o Líbano. (Senasa)
Sowing of the 2022/23 soybean crop reached 34% of the estimated area. With excessive rain and low temperatures, sowing slowed down in the State of Paraná, that faces slower development of soybean farms. In the west and southwest of the state, areas that would normally be harvested in the second half of January should only be ready for harvest in early February, given the current weather conditions. Some isolated areas will have to be replanted in the regions. There is also a need for replanting in the east of State of Mato Grosso and in points of the State of Minas Gerais because of insufficient humidity. (AgRural)
Friboi will expand its fleet of 100% electric refrigerated trucks from 10 to 53 vehicles within January 2023. For the inclusion of new vehicles in logistics operations, the company will install electric vehicle charging systems in its distribution centers in the States of Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Ceará, Pernambuco and Bahia. Since April, when the first trucks were introduced into the fleet, States of Paraná and São Paulo and the City of Brasilia, Federal Capital of Brazil, already had adequate infrastructure. (Friboi)
Tomato farmers report losses of up to 50% in the 2022 season because of the presence of leafminer (Tuta absoluta), recording a much greater loss than in 2021, when it did not exceed 10%. (Cootaquara)
76% increase of slaughter of beef cattle in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, in September, totaling 240,000 cattle heads. A significant increase is justified by the suspension of exports to China in 2021, that interfered with industrial demand. (Federal Inspection Service)
Embrapa optimizes processes of genetic improvement and development of new coffee varieties through genomic selection, in partnership with the federal universities of Viçosa and Triângulo Mineiro and Epamig. Application of the genome-wide selection technique (GWS) allows the genetic improvement of coffee to be more effective. With the technique, it is possible to identify genes favorable to the expression of characteristics of interest in the production chain, through molecular markers. (Embrapa; UFV; Epamig; UFTM)
Exports of 30,000 tonnes of rice with husk to Mexico. (Federarroz)
Biobío Agricultural and Livestock Service asks fruit growers to carry out integrated management of the spotted-winged fly (Drosophila suzukii), present between the regions of Valparaíso and Los Lagos. (SAG)
Estimated 7% drop of table grapes exports in the 2022/23 harvest, reaching a total of 68.6 million boxes, and an increase of new varieties exports, indicating a process of varietal substitution in the industry. (Chilean Fruit Exporters Association)
Bayer will invest US$ 12.3 million to expand production of agricultural inputs in a factory located in Soledad, that already produces 13,000 tonnes of pesticides per year. Although it was built with the objective of exporting to other countries, a growing part of production is being directed to the domestic market. “…the company, that distributed only 25% of the factory’s total production to the national market and exported 75%, now supplies 40% to the Colombian domestic market and sends 60% to the 23 importing countries”, says Héctor Torres, manager of the factory. (Bayer)
Government will subsidize 20% of agricultural inputs purchases by small-sized farmers, in a strategy to reduce production costs and reduce food inflation. Distribution of resources should start in November, benefiting 120,000 farmers, who must subscribe to receive the benefit. (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)
Recorded first case of the most infectious variant of avian influenza. In addition to being a risk to humans, the mortality of infected birds reaches 60% and can lead to significant losses in the poultry sector. (OIE)
First exports of flowers to Colombia through the shipment of 20 boxes of the “Waxflower” variety, from the Pampa de Villacurí region. Among the main flower export markets are the USA, Holland, Korea, Japan, Canada, Dubai and Colombia. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Declared an agricultural emergency because of the lack of rainfall, freeing up resources to help small-sized farmers. (MGAP)
First sale of fresh blueberries to Israel, with exports of 898 kg of the fruit. (MGAP)