Overview by AgriBrasilis (03/15/25 - 03/21/25)

Published on: March 21, 2025

China Reopens Market for Argentine Chicken

Government has suspended sanitary barrier relaxation that allowed meat on the bone to enter from the FMD-free zone with vaccination to Patagonia, a zone without vaccination, following recommendations from the WOAH. (Senasa)

China reopens market for Argentine chicken and pecans after 2023 restrictions due to avian flu, benefiting Entre Ríos, the largest pecan producer and poultry hub with 20,000 jobs. The government also invested US$ 195,000 in the Visit Argentina in China. (Senasa; Inprotur)

Syngenta and PepsiCo have signed a partnership to encourage regenerative agriculture, offering up to 2% more on the market price of sunflower to farmers who adopt sustainable practices. The program includes technical support, certification and tracking via Cropwise, with plans to expand the cultivated area by 25%. (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)

Provincia Bank offers loans in dollars with a 0% interest rate for the purchase of agricultural machinery. Procampo Digital allows the purchase of inputs in dollars, valid from March 11th to 31st. (Banco Provincia; Procampo Digital) 

Rural GDP grew by 31.3% in 2024, helping to mitigate an economic crisis, with emphasis on the recovery of agriculture and livestock after the 2023 drought. Agricultural crops grew by 29.6%, while animal husbandry had minimal variation and agricultural services increased by 23.8%. (Indec)

Rosario Stock Exchange reduced its estimate of soybean harvest to 46.5 million tonnes, down from 47.5 million. The USDA kept its projection at 49 million tonnes for 2024/25. (BCR; USDA)

Chicken egg production reached 4.67 billion dozen in 2024, up 10% on the previous year, due to increased domestic and foreign demand and growth in the broiler sector. Egg prices continued to rise, up 8.23% in 2024 and 15.39% in February 2025. The State of São Paulo led production, with 26% of the total, followed by Paraná (9.8%), Minas Gerais (9.7%) and Espírito Santo (8%). More than half of the farms produced eggs for consumption, accounting for 82.1% of tota l production. The Q4 of 2024 was the largest in the historical series, with 1.2 billion dozen eggs produced. (IBGE)

JBS stock actions soared 13% after BNDESPar, an institution of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development, that invests directly in companies in the capital market, abstained from voting on the proposal to dual list the company’s stocks in the US and Brazil. The decision depends on SEC approval and could be concluded b y the end of 2025, with an impact on JBS’s expansion and financing conditions abroad. (BNDESPar; JBS)

Wheat prices continue to rise due to limited supply during the off-season, with the price in the State of Rio Grande do Sul reaching US$ 242.52 per tonne, a 5.04% increase since the beginning of March. National Supply Company forecasts a 15.6% increase in wheat production in 2025, totaling 9.117 million tonnes, with an 18% recovery in productivity, reaching 3.04 tonnes per hectare, although the cultivated area is expected to fall by 2.1%. (Cepea; Conab)

Beef exports fell by 6% in volume in February 2025, totaling 217,108 tonnes, but revenues increased by 12.6%, reaching US$ 1.038 billion. (Abrafrigo)

Mission led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock strengthened trade ties between Brazil and Chile, with a focus on agribusiness. The delegation, made up of Secretaries Luís Rua and Carlos Goulart, discussed issues such as the integration of production chains, sanitary cooperation and the expansion of markets. (MAPA)

Soybean production in the State of Santa Catarina has grown 275.8% in the last 12 years, with a 60.5% increase in planted area. (Epagri/Cepa; Agro Catarinense Observatory)

62.5 thousand tonnes of rice were exported in February, generating US$ 21.6 million, down 43.6% in volume and 36.8% in revenue. 152.2 thousand tonnes were imported, spending US$ 46.2 million, down 3.7%. Peru was the main destination, with 10,600 tonnes exported. (Abiarroz; MDIC)

Soybean processing dropped by 6.5% in January 2025 due to harvest delays. The 2025 projection estimates 170.9 million tonnes, with exports reaching 106.1 million tonnes of grains, 23.6 million tonnes of soybean meal, and 1.4 million tonnes of soybean oil, while soybean oil imports are expected to decline by 50%. (Abiove)

Agricultural thefts caused losses of US$ 380 million in the last 12 months, affecting 78% of farmers, with 40% being repeat victims. The most stolen goods were agricultural inputs (29%), agricultural production (18%) and electrical installations (16%). (National Society of Agriculture)

Agricultural and Livestock Service has stepped up inspections during the 2025 grape harvest and the entry of grapes into wineries, preventing fraud such as the mixing of table grapes with traditional varieties to ensure market transparency and traceability in production. (SAG)

Colombia has become the seventh largest non-European supplier of fresh fruit to Europe, with exports of US$ 585 million in 2024 (+38%), led by Hass avocados. (ProColombia)

Food industry grew by 2.49% in the Q4 of 2024. (Government of Mexico)

Israel has opened its market to Paraguayan sheep meat following an agreement on health requirements with Israel’s Veterinary Animal Health Service. (Senacsa)

Zero Hunger Program increases the demand for tomatoes by 45 to 60 tonnes a day, in addition to the 220 tonnes already consumed. The government has brought forward the delivery of seeds to optimize production. (Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock)

Leonardo Bove is the new vice-president of the National Meat Institute with the aim of increasing meat production and strengthening its presence in the markets of China, the Philippines and Vietnam. INAC is also investing in marketing and aims to consolidate its production of three million calves a year. (INAC)

Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries has started monitoring the health of the cattle involved in the investigations into Conexión Ganadera and other livestock companies also under investigation of fraud. The measure, which follows a March 5th resolution, includes visits to affected properties and a declaration of “health priority” for the farms involved. The Ministry also launched a vaccination campaign against foot -and-mouth disease for all cattle between April 1st and 30th. (MGAP)


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