Crop Protection and Nutrition - Weekly Update Brazil & Latin America (12/19/24 – 12/25/24)

Last modified on: December 24, 2024

10 Thousand Empty Pesticide Packages Were Seized in the State of Goiás


On December 24th, Law No. 15070/24 was published in the Official Gazette of Brazil, regulating the use of bio-inputs regarding production, commercialization, importation, exportation, registration, inspection, research, packaging, storage, transportation, waste disposal, etc. It also amends previous legislation to modernize regulations and ensure the sustainable use of bio-inputs in “agricultural, livestock, aquaculture, and forestry sectors”, as stated in the document. (Presidency of the Republic)

Galvani Fertilizers invests US$ 3.62 million in a forestry project that aims to make it self-sufficient in power-generation from biomass by 2029. “Our goal is to be 100% self-sufficient in biomass power-generation”, said Isaac Colen, supply manager. (Galvani Fertilizantes)

Based on a proposal authored by congressman Otto Alencar Filho, the replacement for Bill No. 4338/23, which establishes the Emergency Program for the Manufacturing of Ammonia and Urea, was approved by the Chamber’s Agriculture Committee. The text provides for the granting of subsidies to the price of natural gas, the main input used to manufacture fertilizers. (Agência Câmara de Notícias)

After a sharp decline in 2023, fertilizer prices showed relative stability in the 1H24, with increases in the 2H. This was driven by the rise in raw materials, in addition to the restricted supply of phosphates. From January to October of 2024, monoammonium phosphate prices increased by 14% in the Baltic Sea market and 12.9% in the ports of Morocco. Triple superphosphate had an increase of 5.6% in the port of Casablanca. For urea, increases were significant, reaching 17.9% in the Black Sea port and 15.4% in Egypt. Sulfur prices grew by 50% from January to October of 2024. Among intermediate fertilizers, potassium chloride stood out, with a 13.9% decrease. In the Brazilian market, the prices of most fertilizers have risen, influenced by increases in the international market and the devaluation of the Real (BRL). Monoammonium phosphate, for example, increased by 8.9% in the State of Mato Grosso and 17.1% in the State of Paraná from January to October of 2024. In the case of nitrogen, the average price of urea increased 3.1% in Mato Grosso and 0.1% in Paraná. Potassium chloride prices decreased, with accumulated drops of 3.7% in Mato Grosso and 8.6% in Paraná. (CNA; Cepea)

CRU in partnership with Argus is organizing Fertilizer Latino Americano 2025, a conference that will be held in the State of Rio de Janeiro, from January 26th to 29th, 2025. The event brings together professionals from the fertilizer sector in Latin America for networking, negotiations, etc. Last year, the event attracted more than 1000 participants from 60 countries. (CRU)

Act No. 58 was published in the Official Gazette of the Union, approving 23 pesticide registrations, including four products with new active ingredients. (MAPA)

Embrapa launched BRS Guatã, a pigeonpea variety that can help restore degraded pastures, help feed cattle during the dry season, and control soil nematodes. It has the potential to control four widely occurring nematodes, mainly in soybeans and sugarcane, which are: Pratylenchus brachyurusP. zeaeMeloidogyne javanica and M. incognita(Embrapa)

Brazil Potash Corporation celebrated, on December 18th, its entry into the New York Stock Exchange’s share list with the offering of its shares on the American stock exchange. (Brazil Potash Corporation)

According to Sindiveg, Asian soybean rust and root rot are critical diseases for the current soybean season. “Maintaining continuous monitoring of the crops and acting quickly when identifying the first disease signs are essential. The use of appropriate management strategies, combined with the efficient use of pesticides, guarantees the health of soybeans and profitability”, said Fábio Kagi, regulatory affairs manager at the Sindiveg. (Sindiveg)

Government of the State of Paraná extended for another 180 days the phytosanitary emergency status to combat greening, one of the main diseases in citrus. The objective is to continue to have greater mobility and the possibility of acting more quickly and effectively to control the disease. Decree No. 8365/2024 was signed by governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior. (Government of Paraná)

According to a FarmTrak survey, by Kynetec Brasil, agricultural adjuvants generated approximately US$ 480 million in Brazil in 2023. The use increased four times in nine seasons, as the value was US$ 120.75 million in 2015. Adjuvants are most used in soybean, generating US$ 260 million in business, 56% of the total. (Kynetec Brasil)

According to the Antirust Consortium, Brazil registered 24 cases of Asian soybean rust from November to December of 2024, with the States of Paraná (17), São Paulo (4), Minas Gerais (1), and Rio Grande do Sul (1) facing outbreaks of the disease. According to researcher Claudia Godoy, from Embrapa, the introduction of two-crop cultivation systems, such as soybean-corn or soybean-cotton, has been an effective alternative in rust control. (Embrapa Soybean)

The use of cover crops and green manure with pasture can reduce dependence on mineral nitrogen fertilizers, increase agricultural profits and mitigate climate change. Plants such as brachiaria, intercropped or not with jack beans, can provide up to 150 kg/ha of nitrogen and 120 kg/ha of potassium during sowing of the summer crop. (Embrapa Rice and Beans; MAPA)

The governor of Ceará, Elmano de Freitas, sanctioned, on December 19th, a bill that allows pesticide spraying by drones. The application of pesticides must keep the distance of at least 30 meters from public facilities, such as schools, hospitals, environmental protection and permanent protection areas, etc. (Government of Ceará)

The Agricultural Defense Agency of the State of Goiás, in partnership with the Civil Police, seized more than 10 thousand empty pesticide packages that were stored irregularly, in violation of current environmental and agricultural defense legislation. The packages were found in different stages of processing — some pressed, others crushed — and were in inadequate storage conditions. (Agrodefesa)

Brazilian Association of Public Health and the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health have launched the dossier “Damages of Pesticides to Reproductive Health”. The study reports on hormonal and genetic changes in reproductive cells and embryos and on the process of deregulation of pesticides in Brazil, spraying and violation of rights. (Abrasco; ENSP)

The new Josapar rice miller, one of the largest rice producers in the country, will have twice the capacity compared to the previous plant, at 120 thousand tonnes/year, and a static capacity of 80 thousand tonnes. The unit, located in Rio Grande, State of Rio Grande do Sul, replaces the plant in Pelotas, in the same state, which experiences frequent flooding. The investment is around US$ 24.55 million. (Josapar)

Latin America

Brazilian Embassy in Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil held a seminar on the potential of Brazil-Argentina cooperation in the production and trade of fertilizers and inputs. The event, promoted with the support of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, reinforced complementarity between the countries and sought to promote regional synergies to strengthen agribusiness. (MAPA)

The first Storage Center (CAT) was inaugurated in Santa Fe, Argentina, as part of a network for managing pesticide empty packages. This initiative will enable the implementation of the CampoLimpio system, the main formal system for the recovery and treatment of phytosanitary containers. (CampoLimpio)  

Paraguay reported a 7.6% growth in October in the “Business Turnover Estimator” (ECN) of the Central Bank of Paraguay, which measures the country’s monthly economic activity through the performance of sales in the trade, manufacturing, and services sectors. This increase was driven by the commercialization of pesticides, technologies, and vehicles. (Central Bank of Paraguay)

CultiVida and Campo Limpio recover more than 5,000 tonnes of empty packages of pesticides in Peru. “The correct disposal of empty containers is essential to prevent soil and water pollution”, said Rubén Carrasco, executive director of CultiVida. (CultiVida)

Faculty of Agronomy at UBA (FAUBA) and the Argentine Chamber of Fertilizer and Agrochemical Industry (CIAFA) have developed a sustainable system for treating wastewater contaminated by pesticides. The technology consists of a biofilter made of plant materials, such as corn residues, in which microorganisms that degrade phytosanitary residues develop. “We are evaluating how different beds degrade glyphosate, one of the most widely used products. At the moment, the best results have been obtained with shredded corn residues”, said Daniel Mazzarella, professor at FAUBA and Technical Coordinator of CIAFA. (FAUBA; CIAFA)

New Pesticide Law approved in Entre Ríos, Argentina. The law regulates the use of phytosanitary products, establishing controls, exclusion zones, environmental monitoring measures, as well as sanctions for their use. (Government of Entre Ríos)


Lawyers Analyse New Law Against the Amazon Soybean Moratorium in Brazil