Argentina Now Accepts Pesticide Equivalency Processes from Brazil, USA, and Other Countries

Last modified on: August 15, 2024

Resolution No. 694/2024

The National Agri-food Health and Quality Service – Senasa, through Resolution No. 694/2024, published in the Official Gazette of Argentina on 06/26/2024, accepts the processes of equivalency from other countries regarding the chemical or biochemical active ingredients of pesticide products. The measure takes place within the scope of the Deregulation and Simplification Plan implemented by the national zoo-phytosanitary organization.

This rule establishes conditions and requirements to request the recognition of equivalency of technical grade active ingredients approved by the competent authorities of the USA, Mexico, EU, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil, which are considered countries with a high degree of health and phytosanitary surveillance.

Equivalency will be recognized in cases where the technical grade active ingredient to be registered comes from the same manufacturing establishment and has at least the same purity than the product registered in the countries mentioned above.

This is the first step in a process that will include other areas of Senasa and is part of the work carried out by the Simplification Secretariat of the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers to consolidate the organization’s regulatory framework, clarify standards, improve efficiency, simplify procedures and increase the speed of management procedures.