Brazil Agrochemical Update - 02/22/2023

Brazilian Agrochemical Market Fertilizer and Pesticide News

Illegal pesticides represent 25% of the market

In January, Ibama and MAPA seized approximately 75 tonnes of smuggled pesticides in Americana, State of São Paulo, valued at US$ 8.32 million. Among the analyzed products, there was evidence of the presence of paraquat, that had its production, imports and use prohibited in Brazil in 2020. The presence of thiamethoxam was identified, that is in the process of environmental reassessment, and glyphosate. (IBAMA; MAPA)

Representatives of chemical industry from Egypt visit Brazil in June 2023 to meet with Brazilian importers, with emphasis on the fertilizer trade. (ANBA)

The 5th Federal Court of Campo Grande condemned a farmer for growing GMO soybean tolerant to glyphosate less than 500 meters from the Serra da Bodoquena National Park. The farm is in the city of Bonito, State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Farmer was fined by Ibama after samples collected showed that the soybean planted was GMO. (5th Federal Court of Campo Grande; Ibama)

Price of potassium chloride continues to accumulate the highest increase among the main imported fertilizers in Brazil. In 2022, potassium chloride share was 35.3% of the total amount spent by the country on fertilizer purchase, that reached US$ 24.74 billion, of which US$ 8.74 billion was potassium chloride. This is the main imported fertilizer, followed by urea, that in 2022 accounted for 18.0% of the total imported, equivalent to US$ 4.46 billion. (Cepea)

Proposed joint ordinance draft seeks to establish procedures for registration of microbiological products used in pest control or as defoliants, desiccants, stimulators, and growth inhibitors. Among the general provisions, highlight to: “Art. 3 – Technical product registration is not required for microbiological products”; “Art. 4 – Registration of microbiological products will be with the indication of the isolate of the microorganism species present in the formulated product”; “Art. 5 – The qualitative and quantitative declaration of the microbiological product must present only the minimum limit of the active ingredient and the minimum and maximum of the other components of the formulation”. (MAPA; Anvisa; Ibama; SDA)

In 2022, the imported amount of fertilizers decreased by 8.4%, but paid value was 63% higher than in the previous year. Brazil accelerated purchases of fertilizers shortly after the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, according to Mauro Osaki, a researcher at Cepea. From May to July 2022, purchases exceeded 4 million tonnes/month. In the first seven months of the year, total purchases of fertilizers had already reached 24 million tonnes. However, high prices and a reduction in purchasing power soon made farmers reduce the frequency of purchases. In January 2021, farmers from Sorriso, State of Mato Grosso, had already purchased 80% of the fertilizer for their crops. The amount reached 65% in the same period of 2022. In January 2023, however, purchases reached only 18.5%. (Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics – Cepea)

Syngenta presents a specific fungicide against downy mildews (Plasmopara viticola). According to the company, the fungicide contains oxathiapiprolin, an active substance with a new mode of action, in addition to mandipropamid. (Syngenta)

Welberth Rezende, mayor of the city of Macaé, State of Rio de Janeiro, declares that he plans to transform the city into the “capital of fertilizers”. A visit from Embrapa technical team was scheduled for March 9th to assess the potential for using natural gas produced in Macaé and for attracting companies in the sector to manufacture fertilizers. Macaé is one of the largest natural gas producers in Brazil. (City Hall of Macaé)

Treated area against corn spittlebug (Dalbulus maidisincreased by 177% in the past two years. 12 million hectares were affected by the pest, receiving an average of 2.42 pesticide applications. (Sindiveg)

Lavoro opens up another store in the State of Paraná, in the city of Santa Helena. Lavoro has 193 stores in Brazil and Colombia. (Lavoro Agro)

Thiafenacil can be a solution to control the horseweed (Conyza spp.) resistant to glyphosate. Horseweed is often found in no-tillage systems and can greatly reduce soybean yields. (ISK)

Increased purchasing power of livestock farmers. In January 2023, it took 120.6 kg of finished cattle, on average, to import a tonne of fertilizer. From May to October 2022, it took more than 146.89 kg of finished cattle to import a tonne of fertilizer. The value for January 2023 remains above that observed in the same period of 2022, that reached 119.13 kg. (Cepea; Secex)

Illegal pesticides represent 25% of the market and cause losses of US$ 3.87 billion per year in Brazil. (CropLife)

Bayer must deposit US$ 250 million in court to soybean farmers. Minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Nunes Marques, denied the claims from Monsanto Technology LLC. and Monsanto do Brasil Ltda., both Bayer Crop Science companies, against the decision of the State of Mato Grosso Court of Justice. The Court ordered the deposit of one-third of the amount of royalties related to soybean varieties containing Intacta RR2 Pro technology. (Aprosoja; Federal Supreme Court)


Vertical Farming Sector is Expected to Reach US$ 19 Billion by 2027