Bayer Must Pay US$ 260 million to Soybean Farmers
Government transfers more than US$ 13.1 million for distribution of the Special Tobacco Fund to farmers in different provinces. Objective is to assist in the tobacco transplant phase, which requires high labor costs. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Province of Córdoba launches US$ 500 million financing program for small and medium livestock farmers. Program has non-refundable financing and interest-free credits, coming into effect after next week. (Ministry of Employment Promotion and Family Economy)
Construction began on the second YPFB ammonia and urea industrial plant, which will be exclusively destined for export. According to president of the state-owned company, Armin Dorgathen, the country seeks to become a fertilizer center in South America. (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos)
Frost damages farms in the Southern region. There was worsening in the average condition of wheat farms in the State of Paraná, while in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the greatest losses are being reported by fruit farmers. There are forecasts of cold weather and frost for the beginning of September, which worries wheat and fruit farmers. (Department of Rural Economy of Paraná; Emater-RS)
Crowfootgrass (Eleusine indica) threatens soybean production in the State of Mato Grosso. Farmers calculate expenses of 10 bags/ha just with herbicides to control the plant in the next harvest. One of the main difficulties is to carry out the control with the use of pre-emergent, which was previously done with paraquat. Some farmers have chosen to harrow areas with the presence of the plant. (Aprosoja)
Value of agribusiness exports in the State of Minas Gerais increased almost 50% in the first half of 2022, reaching a total of US$ 9 billion. (Seapa)
Justice decides that Bayer must pay US$ 260 million to the court for reimbursement of soybean farmers from the States of Mato Grosso, Bahia, Goiás, Piauí, Roraima and Tocantins. Amount represents one third of the royalties the company has received for the Intacta RR2 PRO technology since 2018. Decision considers that the patent on the technology expired in March 2018, but that Bayer continued to collect royalties from farmers. (Mato Grosso State Court of Justice)
Corn will be responsible for 15% of Brazil’s ethanol. A 50% increase in the interim-harvest (safrinha) of corn cultivated area in the State of Mato Grosso can cause increase yields and use of the grain to produce ethanol. (Unem)
Public Ministry will investigate origin of cattle acquired by 11 slaughterhouses in the State of Mato Grosso that did not sign the Term of Adjustment of Conduct within the scope of the Carne Legal project, a campaign to raise awareness about legal consumption of meat. Objective is to identify whether beef cattle ranchers use areas of illegal deforestation. (MPF)
Corn farmers in the State of Mato Grosso stock grains waiting for prices to improve. Crop performance was below expectations. Only 68% of the corn harvested in the state was commercialized. (Association of Soybean and Corn Farmers of Mato Grosso)
Government begins delivery of more than 12 thousand tonnes of agricultural inputs to more than 71 thousand small farmers. Objective is to mitigate the negative effects of the increase in the prices of these products, mainly fertilizers and biofertilizers. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Agricultural emergency declared by the presence of the strawberry nematode, Aphelenchoides fragariae, confirmed by laboratory analysis. The nematode can attack 250 other plant species in addition to strawberry, causing serious damage to ornamental and horticultural plant species. Resources will be directed immediately to support farmers affected by the plague. (Ministry of Agriculture)
Research on the use of bacteria to control avocado diseases is improving, developed by the National University of Colombia. The bacterium Serratia marcescens has the ability to control root rot, caused by Phytophtora cinnamomi, and anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum spp. Researchers are studying the formulation of emulsion-type products to enable use of the bacteria on farms. (National University of Colombia)
Rain inducement project to mitigate drought in Sonora, Sinaloa and Chihuahua performs 30 successful flights, generating almost 16 thousand hm³ of rain. Objectives of the project, carried out by the National Commission on Arid Zones, with support from the Mexican Air Force, are to improve the condition of pastures and reduce economic losses caused by drought, in addition to increasing crop yields. (Conaza)
Central Bank of Paraguay continues its restrictive policy, raising interest rates to 8%. Inflation rose again, standing at 11%. The FAO food index has dropped for the fourth time since the beginning of the year. Outlook is for food prices to remain high until the end of the year and begin to decline in 2023. (BCP; FAO; World Bank)
Mango production recovers from the 11% drop in the previous season, with a 6% growth in volume, but it does not reach the same production levels as in the period before the pandemic. Current difficulties for exporters are linked to the increase in freight costs and shortage of containers, which has led to anticipated shipments and greater focus on the domestic market. Main destinations were the Netherlands, USA and Canada, countries that import 70% of Peruvian mango. (Fresh Fruit Consulting)