Overview by AgriBrasilis (June 13-19)

Published on: June 18, 2021


Cargill is the main agro-export company in the 19/20 cycle, with 12.7 million tons exported, including grains and by-products. In 2nd place was COFCO and in 3rd Oleaginosa Moreno. The Brazilian Amaggi was ranked 10th with 1.1 million tonnes, according to the ranking of the Rosario Commerce Exchange. (BCR) 

Ministry of Agriculture and Government of Río Negro agreed on financing of US$ 996 thousand to strengthen the commercialization of products produced by small and medium producers. Funding will go towards the creation of a Support Fund for the fruit marketing program; and for the early containment of fires and restoration of rural infrastructure. (MAGyP)




CTNBio requests more information to continue the analyzes and discussions on commercial release of flour derived from genetically modified wheat HB4 (CTNBio) 

 Drought affects the second harvest and total production is expected to reach 262.13 million tons. Despite the reduction of 9.57 million tons compared to the previous month’s estimate, the total volume to be harvested is still greater than that of the 2019/20 harvest. (Conab) 

Estimated total corn production is 96.4 million tons. Of these, 24.7 million tons are from the first harvest; 69.9 million from the second and 1.7 million from the third, a reduction of 6% over the production of 2019/20. This reduction will happen due to the low occurrence of rain between the months of April and May. (Conab) 

The monthly balance indicates a further reduction in ending stocks of cotton, beans and corn compared to the last estimate, while there is a forecast of stability in ending stocks of wheat for the crop year that ends in July. (Conab) 

 Ibama fines more than R$14 million in a criminal network that counterfeited pesticides in the metropolitan region of Goiânia and distributed products without origin throughout the country. In addition to the fines, 63 tons of illegal toxic products were seized and the precarious factory for processing, handling and filling the products was closed. (IBAMA) 

Value of Agricultural Production in 2021 should register a real increase of 11.8%. The Gross Value of Agricultural Production (VBP) increased by 15.8% in and 3.8% in livestock. The VBP of May this year reached R$ 1.11 trillion. The products that had the greatest increases in the VBP were rice (5.7%), corn (20.3%), soybeans (31.9%) and wheat (35.1%). (MAP) 

 Agribusiness breaks a record of US$ 14 billion in exports in May, an increase of 33.7% compared to May 2020. Agribusiness imports also rose, from US$ 837 million (May/2020) to US$ 1.22 billion (May 2021), with an increase of 13.5%. The balance of the balance was US$ 12.71 billion. (MAP) 

Coffee producers in Paraná are receiving 11.53% more in the commercialization of a 60 kg bag, when compared to prices in April. (Conab) 

Ceagesp (largest public network of warehouses and an important link in the vegetable supply chain) opens a bidding process for the concession of vacant areas of the trade post, with values ​​from US$ 1.72 to US$ 7.79 per m2, plus condominium fee. (Ceagesp).






Ministries of Agriculture and Labor join forces to continue guaranteeing job security during the Corona virus crisis. In an extraordinary session, the compatibility of social benefits and the implementation of Covid insurance was re-discussed. (MINAGRI) 

 Farmers affected by the summer rains receive compensation from agricultural insurance. 84 producers from Maule have already been compensated. Agricultural insurance is subsidized by the federal government. (MINAGRI) 


El Savador


The government seeks the rebirth of agriculture with the execution of the Master Plan for Agricultural Rescue, in which a fund of US$ 1.29 billion was allocated, for the purpose of economic reactivation and technological development of the country’s productive sectors. (MAG-EL) 




Wheat production in Sonora will grow 10% in the autumn-winter 2020-2021 agricultural cycle. Sonora occupies the first place in the production of cereal in Mexico and contributes with 53% of the national total. So far, 222,000 hectares have been harvested, totaling 1.586 million tons, representing 93.9% of the planted area. (Sader) 

Ministry of Agriculture and Armed Forces begin to promote rain in Sinaloa, Sonora and Chihuahua to ease the effects of the drought. The program, which consists of the release of silver iodide molecules in the clouds to stimulate rain, will start in the last week of June in Sinaloa, the date foreseen for the adequate cloud conditions for the project. (Sader) 




Soy shipments are 5% higher than in 2020. Despite the navigability problems of the Paraná River, by the end of May 3.3 million tons of soy had been exported, which represents 5% more than in the same period in 2020. ( Capeco) 

The country’s agro exports totaled US$ 5.543 billion from January to May 2021, representing an increase of 23.5% compared to the US$ 4,489.2 billion accumulated in the same period last year ( Banco Central del Paraguay) 




Agro-exports grew 50% in April. Fresh fruits continue to conquer markets, totaling US$ 526 million, against US$ 350 million registered in the same month of 2020. (MIDAGRI) 




Brazil enables the export of live sheep for slaughter and reproduction through Ponte Concordia, Artigas and Quarai. This will be a great stimulus for the sheep sector, as this agreement will benefit several departments in the northern region, where there is strong sheep production. (MGAP) 

Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries supports the construction of Central Hortícola del Norte, with US$ 1.5 million. The project will require US$ 5.5 million and aims to reduce marketing costs, contribute to improved logistics and benefit the productive development of Paysandú, Artigas and Tacuarembó. (MGAP)


< Overview by AgriBrasilis (from june 20th to 26th)

Overview by AgriBrasilis (from June 6th to 12th) >