Brazil Agrochemical Update - 04/27

Brazilian Agrochemical Market Fertilizer and Pesticide News
Published on: April 27, 2022

  • Growing demand for fertilizers and high commercialization increase demand for the unloading at the Ports of Paraná. Port administration updated operational rules, increasing productivity levels of import unloading operations by almost 30%. (Ports of Paraná)


  • Imports of chemical fertilizers reached 2.08 million tonnes in April. Importers anticipated purchases in the face of concern about global shortages and high prices of the input. Daily average of shipments was 149 thousand tonnes per day. Average value of fertilizers was US$ 634.5/ton. (Secretary of Foreign Trade)


  • Biotechnology company Superbac is expected to double sales forecast for 2022. (Superbac)


  • Strong rise in agri input prices. Limestone had a variation of 10.75% in January 2022, while some herbicides had a rise of more than 50%. (Secretary of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo)


  • Between 2021 and 2022, the State of Mato Grosso do Sul tripled the import of fertilizers, accounting for an increase of 224%. During this period, values increased by almost seven times. (Secretary of Foreign Trade)


  • Members of Cooperativa Santa Clara receive training and certification in the application of hormonal herbicides. (Emater – RS)


  • Bayer announces partnership with biotechnology company Ginko Bioworks to develop bio-based agricultural inputs. (Bayer)


  • Santa Clara do Sul collects agricultural pesticide packaging. Collection will be carried out by the companies Arla Cooperativa and Tritec Equipamentos, under the coordination of Fundação Pró-Rio Taquari, with the support and monitoring of the Department of Environment and Basic Sanitation. Importance of triple washing the packaging for correct disposal is highlighted. (Santa Clara do Sul Infrastructure Department)


  • Seizure of smuggled pesticides increases by 80% in 2022. Illegal cargo comes mainly from Argentina and Paraguay, crossing the border through cities in the states of Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. Between January and March of 2022, around US$ 1.17 million in smuggled pesticides were seized. (Brazilian Federal Revenue Office)


  • Ministry of Agriculture approves registration of 28 pesticides, containing 4 products with approved use for organic agriculture, in addition to a new formulated product based on bistrifluron. (MAPA)


  • Anvisa approves toxicological evaluation of a mixture of fomesafem and S-metolachlor, registered by Syngenta, according to court decision. (Anvisa)