Brazil Agrochemical Update - 04/13

Published on: April 13, 2022

Court of Justice confirmed in second instance the decision of the 2nd Civil Court of the Regional Court that dismissed lawsuit filed by Iharabras SA Indústrias Químicas against Crystal Agro Ltda. requesting that the latter be obliged to give up request for registration of an equivalent technical product and to refrain from making a new request that had the plaintiff’s Dinno Técnico as a reference product. (Court of justice)

Mills use vinasse and ashes as fertilizers in sugarcane fields. Vinasse application can replace potassium chloride to reduce impact of crisis on costs and production. (BP Bunge Bioenergia)

Ministry of Agriculture monitors pesticide residues in apple cultivation in states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Action is part of the National Plan for Control of Residues and Contaminants in Products of Vegetable Origin and aims to keep the fruit at safe levels for consumption. (MAPA)

Expenses with pesticides in wheat cultivation grew 19% in the last harvest, totaling US$ 268 million. (Spark Consultoria)

Public Ministry of Goiás dismantles groups suspected of illegal pesticide trade. Preliminary data indicate that only one of the companies of the investigated group registered approximately US$ 22.8 million in suspicious commercialization of agricultural pesticides since 2018. (MP-GO)

Russia works to keep exporting fertilizers to Brazil, and in return wants to increase its meat imports. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

SLC Agrícola already acquired 83% of the fertilizer it will use throughout the year to supply its 675,000 cultivated hectares. (SLC Agrícola)

Six unfinished or inactive fertilizer plants could increase national production capacity by 62% if they started operating. Enterprises belong to Petrobras, Potássio do Brasil and Verde Agritech. National production capacity of the 23 operational plants is around 15.3 million tonnes per year. (Sinprifert)

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina researchers develop a method for identifying residues of the herbicide fluometuron in water and in animal blood samples. (UFSC)

Brazil’s Foreign Minister asks the US Secretary of State to buy fertilizers from countries that are under sanctions due to the Ukraine war. (Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Senate)

Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina had a 9.4% increase in cargo volume in the first quarter, with highlights being soybeans, bran and corn, in addition to imports of fertilizers. (Ports of Paraná)

Anvisa approves evaluation of four pesticides in compliance with court decision, being acetamiprid and terbuthylazine from Iharabras, in addition to flumioxazin from Rainbow and product from Adama containing fluxapyroxad, mancozeb and prothioconazole. (Anvisa)