Published on: March 30, 2022
- Approval of toxicological evaluation by Anvisa of four pesticide products through legal action. (Anvisa)
- Ports in Rio Grande do Sul handled record cargo in the first two months of 2022. Potassium chloride had a 135% increase in port handling. (Superintendence of Ports of State of Rio Grande do Sul)
- Heringer’s revenues, which has just concluded the judicial recovery process, grew 93.8% in 2021, reaching U$ 900 million. (Heringer Fertilizantes)
- Fertilizer prices increase corn production costs by 150% in Mato Grosso do Sul. (Aprosoja)
- Seized in Romelândia, State of Santa Catarina, 200 L of pesticides smuggled from Argentina. (Military Police of Romelândia)
- Internal Revenue Service operation affects fertilizer imports, due to the increase in the release period of the products. (National System of Tax Auditors)
- Bill that prohibits aerial spraying of pesticides in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul is filed in the Legislative Assembly. (Alems)
- Biological Institute of São Paulo State has received an investment of US$ 1.36 million in 2021 directed to the Laboratory of Pesticide
- Residues, which is now capable of identifying more than 500 molecules of pesticides in food. (Secretary of Agriculture and Supply)
- Ihara plans to launch around 10 products in 2022, including insecticides, fungicides, biological products and herbicides, to meet the demands of various types of cultivation, especially corn and soybeans. (Ihara)
- Potash price triples and the tonne price is quoted at US$ 1,100. Country has exploration bases for the product in Rio Grande, State of Rio Grande do Sul, and Cubatão, State of São Paulo, which are not enough to meet all the demand, despite the efforts of the mining companies. (Yara)
- AgroGalaxy records net revenue of U$ 528 million in the fourth quarter of 2021, which represents an increase of 65% compared to the previous year. (AgroGalaxy)