Brazil Agrochemical Update - 03/16

Published on: March 16, 2022


  • Brazil Agrochemical Update Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, meets with representative of Canadian companies Gensource, Nutrien and Xensource, to try to guarantee the supply of fertilizers to Brazil. (Ministry of Agriculture)
  • Fertilizer price lists fluctuated, being suspended and re-evaluated at much higher values several times, indicating high volatility in the market. (Aprosoja)
  • Organized Crime Combat Management seizes nearly 5,000 L of counterfeit pesticides in Rondonópolis, state of Mato Grosso. (GCCO)
  • Device called “wind tunnel”, developed by the Adjuvantes da Pulverização program, is capable of relieving pesticide drift during application. (Spray Adjuvants)
  • Fungicides to control Asian rust reach-over of US$ 1.7 billion in 2020/21 harvest season. Soybean agrochemical market totaled US$ 6.1 billion. (Spark Strategic Intelligence)
  • Instituto de Defesa Agropecuária de Mato Grosso inspected approximately 6,000 rural properties and commercial establishments in 2021, verifying the use, storage and disposal of empty pesticide packaging. 126 infraction notices were applied, resulting in US$ 1.08 million in fines. (Indea)
  • ANVISA approves 4 toxicological evaluations of pesticides in compliance to court decision, of the products GARROTEBR, ACARIGEN, CONFERIN and WINOUT XTRA. (ANVISA)
  • Ministry of Agriculture publishes approval of 20 pesticide registrations. (MAPA)
  • Due to the difficulty of obtaining fertilizers from Russia, Canada and Bolivia can also be an alternative of source. (Semagro)
  • The National Fertilizer Plan was formalized by Decree and signed on the 11th. The PNF’s context is to plan the country’s fertilizer sector for the next 28 years. (MAPA)
  • According to a survey carried out by Conab, the percentage of participation of fertilizers in costs for soybean, corn and wheat crops is between 30% and 40% of variable costs, depending on thefarm region and the product analyzed. (Conab)