Brazil Agrochemical Update - 03/09/2022

Published on: March 9, 2022

  • Russia shipped fertilizers to Brazil on Friday 03/04. The announcement comes after the Russian government recommended that companies in the sector suspend exports. The Brazilian states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais are the most dependent states of imports from Russia, representing more than 30% of the inputs imported by both in 2021. (Ministry of Agriculture; Agricultural Parliamentary Front)
  • Gang steals US$ 591 thousand in pesticides from a Raízen site in Igarapava, in the countryside of São Paulo. (São Paulo Civil Police)
  • Approved 26 registers of pesticides, including 3 new active ingredients: amethoctradine, systemic fungicide; mefentrifluconazole, fungicide; and the wasp Palmistichus elaeisis, for biological control of the eucalyptus caterpillar, Thyrinteina arnobia. (Ministry of Agriculture)
  • Anvisa approves toxicological evaluation of Nortox’s amicarbazone in compliance to court’s decision. (Anvisa)
  • Brazil imports 8% less fertilizers, but spends 104% more when compared in 2021. 5.25 million tonnes were imported between January and February this year. (Secretary of Foreign Trade)
  • Clandestine pesticide factory is closed by the police specialized in robbery and theft in Rondonópolis, MT, Brazil 218 km from Cuiabá. Police is now looking for those responsible. (DERF)
  • Federal and Military Police from the Border Police Battalion seized two cars loaded with smuggled pesticides in Guaíra, Paraná, Brazil. (BPFRON)
  • Survey shows that there are at least 50 cities with pesticide residues above the limit in the water. 19 of the products found are banned in the European Union. (Reporter Brazil)
  • Venezuela intends to offer fertilizers to the Brazilian government. (Psuv)
  • Embrapa is searching for ways to reduce the need of importing fertilizers by presenting alternatives that could reduce the need of imports by 23% by 2030. (Embrapa)
  • The Minister of Agriculture intends to negotiate with Canada to purchase fertilizers, as an alternative to the Russian source. According to the Minister, the country has enough stock for the next 8 months. (MAPA)
  • The handling of fertilizers in the Port of Recife grew in the first two months of 2022, outgrowing the same period last year, with growth of 38.4%, totaling in 53 thousand tonnes of fertilizers received at the port. (Conab)
  • Banned in the US and EU due to toxicity and risk of health, 37 pesticides registered since 2019 fit in this category. (Anvisa)