Published on: February 15, 2022
- As of January 31, 2022, only specialized companies will be allowed to treat seeds with insecticides based on imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin. After that date, it will be forbidden for farmers to carry out this operation in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. (State Environmental Protection Foundation)
- Bill authorizing farmers to purchase pesticides directly from Mercosur country members, only for formulated products authorized in Brazil, is awaiting approval from the president of the Brazilian Senate. (Federal Senate)
- New terminal for transport of fertilizers will be installed at the Port of Santos, with investments of US$ 116 million, adding additional capacity of 5 million tons. (Ministry of Infrastructure)
- AgroGalaxy acquires Agrocat for US$34.82 million. Agrocat’s revenues in the last 12 months totaled US$ 223 million. (AgroGalaxy)
- 1,160 inspections carried out to ensure correct use of agrochemicals in the State of Espírito Santo, in 2021. 26 violations were identified, such as application of pesticides without prescription or not in compliance with prescription. (Agricultural and Forestry Defense of Espírito Santo)
- 15 tons of pesticides seized in the State of Rio Grande do Sul in 2021. It is almost double the amount of 2020, when 8 tons were seized. (Federal Highway Police)
- Increase of area used by Brazilian agriculture, mainly for soybeans and corn, led to record imports of 40.8 million tons of fertilizer last year, with expenditures of US$ 14.8 billion in the period. Imports of pesticides also reached a record US$ 3.5 billion, equivalent to 362 thousand tons. (Secretary
of Foreign Trade)
- Deadline for adapting equipment for pesticide application is extended until July 2022. Application of pesticides using a mechanical atomizer with traction can only be done using a tractor with a closed cabin, except for cultivation of vines. (Ministry of Labor and Welfare)
- Gerência de Combate ao Crime Organizado (Organized Crime Combat Management, GCCO) starts Operation Incipere, first operation of 2022, to fight pesticide theft in the State of Mato Grosso. In 2021, the institution seized 19 tons of stolen pesticides. (GCCO)